Psychologist Questions Anxiety

Can anxiety change your personality?

I am a 40 year old female. I have an anxiety disorder. Can anxiety change your personality?

6 Answers

Yes. Become shy and withdrawn over time.
Yes. Their Anxiety interferes with their interaction with others, at school, at work, at home or social life.
Anxiety does not change your personality but may bring up behaviors that were not usual before the anxiety to cope with it. A person with anxiety may be more irritable, on the edge, easily flammable, not sleeping well, and restless. All those symptoms may bring the worse out from a person. Some people have more fragile personalities and therefore be able o cope less with anxiety. Once anxiety is treated a person will return to its normal baseline.
It depends on how you manage your anxiety. If you get too wrapped up in it, that can definitely change your personality. It is important to see your anxiety as a condition to deal with, not who you are.
Anxiety like other personality traits may actually define your personality or may simply be a symptom....It is entirely treatable but if untreated for extended periods i.e. years it will not alter your personality, per se, but may encourage others to respond to you in a particular way...most often through avoidance or caretaking which rarely leads to a happy ending.
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