Orthopedist Questions Back Pain

Could my fall have caused a serious back injury?

Yesterday, I took a hard fall while walking down my stairs at work. I fell right on top of my back and now it's hurting me really bad. There isn't exactly a bruise there, but it's pretty sore. Could I have a serious back injury? It's also giving me some issues walking.

5 Answers

See a physician for an evaluation
Yes this can be serious. I would advise consultation with your family doctor or orthopedic specialist if you have one. You should probably obtain x-rays and a detailed examination should be completed.
If the pain does not improve on a day to day basis; if you have pain when deep breathing, coughing, laughing, or sneezing; if you have weakness in your leg muscles; or if you have numbness or tingling in your pelvis or legs; then you may have a serious back injury. If the injury occurred at work, you should report it to your employer.
I would recommend you see a physician to get a physical exam and possibly an X-ray. Your physician will give you appropriate guidance given the specifics of your injury symptoms and results of any diagnostic testing. Should your pain increase, we seek emergency evaluation.
Yes, it is possible. Most falls as you described are just bruises or strains and resolve over 2-3 weeks. However, sometimes a fracture or disc injury can occur. If your pain does not improve quickly, then see an orthopedic surgeon.

Hope it helps,

Dr. Bose