Dentist Questions Canker Sores

How can I ease my canker sore?

I have a canker sore at the side of my mouth, and it's really uncomfortable to eat or drink anything cold. Is there anything that I can do to treat my canker sore?

3 Answers

There are prescription mouth rinses that may be used to help decrease pain and promote quicker healing. Additionally, if your dentist has a laser, the nerve endings can be treated topically with the laser to remove discomfort while the healing process occurs. Warm salt water rinses can help. Unfortunately, your best bet is to just hunker down and let it heal.
Most canker sores are caused by the same virus that gave you the chicken-pox when you were younger. These sores are brought on by fatigue and stress. The best thing to get relief is to take "StressTabs with zinc" vitamin. With a sore, take one every 8 hours and after a sore goes away, take one a day to prevent the sores from returning.
Yes. you can go to a dentist who works with lasers and request a laser procedure in order to lessen the pain. Also, over-the-counter gels can work in a pinch. If the lesion is not gone or resolving in 2 weeks, schedule an appointment with a dentist.