Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

How to manage petechiae?

About 3 years ago I had been on methotrexate & Plaquenil, for my RA. Then I took 2 injections of HUMIRA I had an acute allergic reaction, stomatitis, petechiae, yeast infection in my blood. I still have petechiae 3 yrs later. I have horrible painful skin eruptions, (I have hepatitis b) that move around my body, my body does not regulate heat at all and the petechiae is getting worse. I am quite weak now and my knees buckle daily. Please help.

Female | 57 years old
Complaint duration: 3 yrs
Medications: Adderal,vistaril,tylenol 3, robaxin,,albuteral inhaler
Conditions: RA,hepatitis b, a.d.d. emphazima

2 Answers

You have a very complicated health history. I recommend finding a local board certified dermatologist to assume your care if you have not seen one recently. Also given your RA I hope you are following with a rheumatologist you trust and discuss your symptoms with them as they could be from the medications or the hepatitis b.

Petechiae have many causes and should be evaluated by a dermatologist to appropriately diagnose. There is nothing to do for it but wait for it to go away.