Doctor Questions Herpes

Is it herpes or shingles?

Hello, at the end of January I started noticing little bumps on my upper thigh by my genitals. My last sexual exposure was end of December. The bumps turned into little blisters, I got a fever, lost my appetite, got itchy in my groin area and felt the tingle from the nerve. After when the blisters healed, I went to three different doctors and showed them what was left along with pictures, all three thought it was shingles. My family doctor is on the fence, it could be herpes or shingles. I was too late to get a swab test. Please give me your opinion

Male | 31 years old
Complaint duration: january 30, 2019

1 Answer

Your family physician can always run a blood test to see if you were even exposed to herpes in your lifetime. It may not give you answers as a very large portion of the population has herpes in their blood stream whether they realize it/have had symptoms or not.
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