Dentist Questions Gingivitis

Is a periodontal follow up needed if my gingivitis is mild?

I have a mild case of gingivitis, and I'm only 24 years old. Does this usually require a follow-up? Will it go away on its own?

7 Answers

Yes to determine if treatment worked!
You need to see your dentist for a follow-up visit. Start on good home care. Your body may be fighting your gingivitis. You don't know when your body will not be able to fight. Not taking care of your mouth will lead to future health problems. Being young makes you think you can handle anything. There are patients who have not taken care of their mouths. They are 18,19, and they have to have all their teeth extracted. Their family could not afford dental care. Gum disease can be transmitted from person to person. Kissing, close contact, eating after one another; we are constantly being exposed to gum disease bacteria. Taking care of our teeth by flossing and brushing and dental check-ups helps us to do that.
Yes, you definitely want to show up for your follow-up appointment to ensure that the Gingivitis (bleeding gum), no matter how mild, has cleared up rather than progressed to the next stages of gum disease. It's not a long follow-up appointment, but it's worth your while to go and be sure that your gums/teeth are healthy.
Gingivitis means inflamation of the gums. With routine dental exams and cleanings every six months along with good home care, you should be fine.
Most likely, you have it because you neglected your gums, so don't. See your dentist regularly.
Gingivitis does not go away on its own. You must see a Dentist and have a professional cleaning to clear up the infection.
Yes it needs regular check ups. Your dentist will be able to find the reason for having this problem.