Urologist Questions Urinary Tract Infections

How is a urine infection managed in a diabetic person?

My mother in law is heavily diabetic and currently has a urine infection. Are there any special precautions to keep in mind?

4 Answers

Diabetics with any type of infection, including urinary infections, need to stay in good glucose control. This is important to help fight off the infection and to promote healing.

She should be seen by a urologist to evaluate her condition and to manage her recurrent UTI. Age is important to know. Several medications can be helpful to her.
Patients with diabetes have a weakened immune response and should be very closely monitored when a urinary tract infection is suspected. A urine sample should be tested and cultured followed by appropriate antibiotics if needed. Diabetic patients with suspected UTI and fevers should be seen by a doctor right away and/or go to the nearest emergency room.
Diabetics are more prone to complicated UTI's. Your mother in law needs to address her symptoms quickly when she has them.