Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

What are the treatment options for psoriasis?

I was diagnosed with psoriasis and I want to get a handle on my dry skin. What are the treatment options for psoriasis?

2 Answers

Treatments for psoriasis vary widely. It largely depends on where the psoriasis is and the extent of the disease. Usually treatment starts with a topical corticosteroid cream, ointment, foam, spray, liquid, or any combination of these. You would apply the medication just to affected areas and cease when the plaques resolve. Usually tge more pitent topical corticosteroids are most helpful and these are only available by prescription. See a board certified dermatologist for an evaluation and medication plan. There are many other treatments he/she can offer such as injections into stubborn areas, UV light therapy, oral and infusion therapies.
Different types of psoriasis will need different types of treatment. The body surface area, redness, amount of scale will define how to treat. Light treatment (UVB/UVA), topical creams, lasers, and biologic treatments are all options. Please visit your dermatologist to get more recommendations and for your yearly skin exams.