Neurologist Questions Neurologist

What can be the cause of my chronic headaches?

I am 24-year-old female with headaches that make me dizzy. What can be the cause?

7 Answers

Pinched nerves in the upper cervicals can cause headaches and dizziness.
It is very important to accurately diagnose the cause of a headache to treat it effectively. Headaches can be caused by many different things. They can arise from muscle tension, vascular issues, hormonal changes, sinus problems, brain pathology or even dietary sensitivities. If headaches are chronic, a MRI of the brain and cervical spine should be performed to rule out any problems with the brain, sinus, TMJ, or neck. Many headaches originate from increased tension in the suboccipital area that has an effect on the Greater Occipital nerve. Once more serious conditions are ruled out with MRI, try conservative treatment to ease the tension in the neck, traps and suboccipital muscles. See a good chiropractic physician or neurologist in your area to diagnose the cause and get it treated.
I hope you find this information helpful.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller
The cause of your headaches and dizzyness can vary. How long have you been experiencing them? You'll need to be more specific about describing the location and symptoms, i.e. squeezing, electrical, pressure, etc. Is there a timing and/or frequency related to the occurrence. Have you had any accidents you can recall that would explain the onset. What have you tried for relief and did that help? Consulting with an appropriate professional such as a Chiropractor or other well educated practitioner can help you determine if you need a referral for something other than a musculo-skeletal condition.
From a neuro to vascular problem.
This could be caused by a number of things, most commonly dehydration. I recommend contacting a neurologist for an examination. If they clear you, try chiropractic, specifically Cranial Chiropractic.
This would take an evaluation and history to start to 'see' what could be the cause, it could be simply be muscle imbalance, structure imbalance; an evaluation is recommended to rule in/out the cause.

Thank you