Neurologist Questions Neurologic Diseases

What can be the tingling in hand be?

I'm a 35-year-old female and my hands are often tingling for no reason. What can be the tingling in hand be?

13 Answers

Tingling in the hands can be caused by a variety of conditions not limited to cervical radiculopathy, peripheral neuropathy, or carpal tunnel syndrome to mention a few. Proper evaluation of the condition is required to find a specific cause and treatment for your particular condition.
Interference in your cervical spine will cause tingling in your hand. Get adjusted soon!!! It can get worse from there and chiropractic is great for relieving this discomfort.
Tingling in the hand can caused by multiple problems. One of them is a pinched nerve in the neck. To rule out a pinched nerve caused by a misaligned cervical spine, see a chiropractor. Best if you can find one with x-rays to rule our degeneration of the disc or joint. I hope you have a great experience!
We would recommend an exam and congratulations to find out the source and cause of the tingling. The good thing is that these types of conditions are what we see a lot of here.
As in most symptoms, there could be an isolated cause or it could be multi-factorial. Tingling in the hand is often associated with nerve pressure, maybe referred from the neck or connective tissue tightness in the wrist.

There are too many reasons to list from nerve pressure, poor nutrition to poor posture and many things in between. A chiropractor is a good start. You may want to consider nutritional testing, it is a great way to determine insufficiencies in your body that aren’t allowing your nervous system to function optimally.


Dr. Duchon
It may be a few things, you need to find out more information. It can be carpal tunnel, ulnar entrapment, neuropathy. It may be coming from an issue in the vertebrae in your neck. It may be from nutritional or vitamin deficiencies. It may be a side effect of certain medications or metal toxicity.
Numbness, tingling, burning or any pain that travels is always a nerve issue. The nerve can impinged from the cervical spine (your neck) from joint issues, disc bulges or degeneration. The nerve also has to travel through muscle in order to get down your arm from your neck. So, the nerve can be impinged from muscle in the thoracic outlet (your upper back) or can be impinged through tunnels in your elbows, wrists or hands, most commonly your carpal tunnel. First step, would be to see a Chiropractor, physical therapist or your primary care provider to figure out where the nerve impingement is stemming from.
This needs to be evaluated appropriately. Tingling can come from anywhere on the Brachial nerve track. The nerves of the arm exit the spine, mainly in the area from Cervical #5 to Thoracic #2 and run down the arm controlling all areas of the arm to the tips of the finger
Nerve problems are typically the cause.
That can be an issue with the cervical spine (neck), there is a plexus of nerves originating from the neck region that regulates the musculature into the arm and hand. An evaluation and X-ray would give more insight to the issue and how to correct it.

Thank you
There can be a few reasons for this. Most commonly in my practice, especially in those who spend a lot of time on computers, the cause is from tight muscles in the forearms and chest which are restricting blood flow to the hands.
The tingling in your hands can arise from a multitude of different body systems. Musculo-skeletally it can arise from compression of the nerve roots in the neck, impingement of the nerve at the wrist (carpal tunnel), or even impingement of the nerves as they traverse down the arm. Proper evaluation from a health care professional will best assess the cause and potential treatment options. EMG/NCV studies are highly successful in evaluating tingling, however vitamin deficiencies, vascular inefficiencies, and hormonal deficits can also manifest tingling in the hands.