Orthopedist Questions Shoulder pain

What can I do for son's shoulder pain?

My son fell on his shoulder badly while he was playing his baseball game, and now his shoulder is in a lot of pain. What can I do for this?

4 Answers

If he had a traumatic injury such as a fall and has significant pain he probably needs an x-ray to rule out a fracture. If there’s not a fracture and I t’s more of a contusion or a soft tissue injury then you can try and treat this conservatively for a period of time. If it does not get better advanced imaging would be the next step.
He could have an A-C joint separation. I would recommend an X-ray to evaluate for that. Usually, the treatment is conservative, sling, and rest, followed by PT.
He should be evaluated as soon as possible by a musculoskeletal specialist.
He needs an X-ray of the shoulder ASAP.

Dr. Bose