Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What do watery eyes indicate?

My 3 year old son has very itchy and watery eyes. What do watery eyes indicate?

11 Answers

In young children the blockage of tear ducts can be the cause of tearing as well as a laundry list of other causes
May be allergies. Try cold compresses first. If there is lot of discharge and getting worse, see a doctor.
Watery eye may be an indication of many things. If it is one eye it may be a blocked tear gland. If it’s both eyes, may be allergic or an irritation.
List includes but is not limited to:
Tear duct obstruction
Ocular surface disease
A 3yo with itchy, watery eyes is most likely suffering from an allergy of some sort. However, it could be other things, like a tear duct drain blockage or some sort of infection. The best option is to bring your child to a pediatric ophthalmologist to assess the problem. At that age, it's also good to assess the vision and just be sure the eyes are developing normally.
If they are irritated from allergy or infection there may be reflex tearing.
In a young child watery eyes with no sign of infection could simply be an allergic response to irritants in the air or a sign of a blocked tear duct, depending on whether the tearing is constant or intermittent and one eye or both.
Multiple conditions may lead to watery eyes including some blinding diseases. To determine the reason a complete ophthalmic exam is highly advised.
Make sure the puncture where eyes drain tears isn't plugged. Put her compresses on and massage the eyelids near the nose. If that doesn't help, see an eye care professional.
He may be suffering from allergies. See a paediatric ophthalmologist for review and treatment
Allergies most likely or blocked nasolacrimal duct.