Pulmonologist Questions Scintigraphy

What is a scintigraphy?

I'm 35 years old, and my doctor believes that I might need to get a scintigraphy for my lungs. What is this?

3 Answers

This is a type of test in nuclear medicine that can evaluate ventilation (air entry to the lungs) and perfusion (blood supply to the lungs). I encourage you to understand why so you understand better what he/she is looking for.

Andres Borja Alvarez, MD
Scintigraphy is simply s generic term describing a type of medical imaging that looks at the function of an organ system instead of anatomy. In your case, lung scintigraphy refers to imaging your lungs to evaluate blood flow (perfusion) to lung tissue. It is commonly done with imaging to evaluate how well your lungs are aerated.

Hope this helps!
A scuntigram is a nuclear medicine scan. Photons from the radiotracer injected and winding up in the lungs gives of light, hence the scintigram. I would refer to this study as a ventilation/perfusion lung scan.