Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Where is the pressure point for stomach aches?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know where is the pressure point for stomach aches?

19 Answers

It’s all diff for each patient your condition is too
There are many points on the body for stomach pain. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
ST36, LI4, LR3 SP10
Acupressure Points for Stomach Pain and Abdominal Issues | Dosha Mat -
I would use the same point that is used for motion sickness, which is on the inside of the wrist.
Stomach 34 on the thigh, but most likely the stomach aches are due to a food that did not sit well or stress.
It’s hard to tell a good point. I suggest you seek a good acupuncturist!
There is no individual pressure point to relieve shoulder pain. Acupuncture is a holistic medicine that looks at the whole body, and any individual issue in relation to the whole picture. The pressure points unique to your stomach would be different than those for someone else - it would take an appointment with a provider to diagnose you specifically and give you a plan.
Well, that depends upon the source and etiology of the stomachaches. But a quick answer would be stomach 36 (ST36). To find this point, locate the "eyes of the knee" by feeling for two divots to either side of your patella. Then take 4 fingers and place them underneath these divots. Draw a line across horizontally. Then take your thumb and put it on the tibia ( front leg bone) towards the outer side of the leg. You will probably feel a depression or divot in the spot. That is the main point for stomach issues. There are many others but it depends upon your Chinese medical diagnosis and your practitioner can help diagnose you accurately. It isn't just about using the correct acupoints. Your case may be complex and require a full workup to treat you effectively.
Halfway between the bottom of the ribs and your belly button is a point you can push to relieve stomach aches. Also warm water bottles can help, applying to stomach area or even back. If that doesn’t work, acupuncture and Chinese herbs are an effective solution!
There is no pressure point for stomach aches.
S 36
Acupuncture treatment is based on meridians and nature of the pain. The procedure is individual per person and session. It may involve the local needling but does not have too. It depends on each acupuncture provider skills and preference.
You can massage your inner sides of both feet and both thigh, rub where you feel most pain several times a day.
Under the knee about 1 inch away from the tibia massage down the whole line.
There are several that can be used to alleviate stomach aches and pains but your practitioner must first learn what is causing them to provide you with the most effective point.
Sure... but what point would work or combination is based on knowing what the imbalance is creating the pain... so best to go see a pro.
Above the belly button one inch, two inch, three inch, four inch, five inch, six inch, there are pressure points; 2 inches beside these points ( both side ) also pressure points, you can pressure them.
Unfortunately, there isn't a one-size-fits-all generic point for dealing with stomach aches. Stomach issues can occur for a variety of reasons, each of which might have a different set of treatment points.

If this is something long standing, I'd suggest starting with your primary care physician first. There are a few serious digestive issues which should be ruled out before proceeding with some other type of treatment.

If your MD can't discover a reason for your stomach issue or the reason is relatively benign, I'd suggest finding a board certified and state licensed acupuncturist in your area. You can start with the "Find a Practitioner" look up at