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What drinks help with a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. What drinks help with a kidney infection?

Can medications fix a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. Can medications fix a kidney infection?

How long is surgery for kidney stones?

I was diagnosed with kidney stones and want to fix them. How long is surgery for kidney stones?

How long is a kidney CT scan with dye?

I will have a kidney CT scan with dye. How long is a kidney CT scan with dye?

What medications help with kidney infections?

I have a kidney infection. What medications help with kidney infections?

Does surgery fix kidney stones?

I have kidney stones. Does surgery fix kidney stones?

Can a kidney infection go away without medications?

I have a kidney infection. Can a kidney infection go away without medications?

What medications help a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. What medications help a kidney infection?

Can I drink alcohol if I have a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. Can I drink alcohol if I have a kidney infection?

How long is recovery from a kidney transplant?

I will have a kidney transplant surgery. How long is recovery from a kidney transplant?

Can I eat meat if I have a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. Can I eat meat if I have a kidney infection?

Can kidney infection go away on its own?

I have a kidney infection. Can kidney infection go away on its own?

How long is recovery after a kidney transplant?

My friend will have a kidney transplant. How long is recovery after a kidney transplant?

Can a UTI be fixed with natural remedies?

I have a UTI. Can a UTI be fixed with natural remedies?

Can a kidney infection go away?

I have a kidney infection. Can a kidney infection go away?

What could cause angiomyolipomas on the kidney?

I am a 32-year-old male. I was diagnosed with 2 angiomyolipomas on my right kidney (max. size 3 cm) and a few renal parapelvic cysts on the left kidney(max size 2. 6 cm). I...

UTI? Kidney Stones? Anxiety??

I have mild, menstrual like pain in my pelvis. It has been off and on all week. Today. I started urinating frequently. No pain with urinating. I had similar symptoms back...

Neurogenic bladder

I have to get up 4 times each night to void please tell me how to sleep all night without getting up. It has been 23 years since I slept all night.

Castration's Effects

What are the pros and cons of castration (surgical or chemical)? My main concern is that I'm not comfortable with my sex drive or my fetishes, and I want to do away with them...

About herpes

I wanna show a pic then ask a question about my condition

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