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How to treat a child with bone cancer?

My 12 year old son was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We were told it is a cancer involving the bones. What are the treatment options?

Young child has an irregular heartbeat?

I was recently told that my 4 year old son has an irregular heartbeat. Who do we consult with next? How is this treated?

What doctors to see for fighting breast cancer?

My wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and we want to address it now. What doctors should we be seeing from now on?

What is the best treatment for a child with leukemia?

My 9 year old daughter has leukemia and I want the best treatment for her. What is the best treatment for a child with leukemia? Whether in the form of radiology or surgeries....

Is lung cancer curable?

My friend is 52-years-old and he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Is lung cancer curable?

How dangerous is sun tanning for my skin?

I am a 24-year-old female and really love sun tanning during the summer. How dangerous is sun tanning for my skin?

What is a lump on my right side pubic area?

I have a lump on my right side pubic area. My lower stomach seems extended and feels like there's a lot of pressure. What can be the cause?

It feels like I have something under my skin. What could it be?

A few days ago, I had a rising bump come up on the bottom of my stomach and then I noticed something to the side of it. It starts at the bottom of my stomach and goes up a few...

Why is there a big lump on my head?

I haven't hit my head on anything recently and it doesn't affect anything that i do. Why is there a big lump on my head?

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

My friend's mother says that she's been feeling strange for the last 6 months. She says that she has nausea sometimes and that she feels pain in her breasts. Could this be a...

What is the lump in my breast

I'm 46 years old and I have a lump in my breast. I'm really afraid. What could this lump in my breast be? What should I do?

What are the treatment options for bladder cancer?

I'm 48 years old and I recently was diagnosed with stage II bladder cancer. What are the treatment options for bladder cancer?

How do chemotherapy and radiation differ?

My friend is getting chemotherapy for a pancreatic tumor, and recently the doctor started talking about using radiation therapy too. How do chemotherapy and radiation differ?...

What are the treatment options for prostate cancer?

My friend is 45 years old and he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. What are the treatment options for prostate cancer?

When should I have a benign tumor removed?

I have a benign tumor underneath my armpit, and my doctor doesn't want to remove it just yet. Instead, he just wants to monitor it and see if it becomes cancerous or grows or...

Will an ovarian dermoid cyst grow back after removal?

I'm 40 years old, and I had a dermoid cyst on my left ovary that I had surgically removed. Is it possible for an ovarian dermoid cyst go grow back after removal?

Should I do something with my neck cyst?

I'm 22, and my doctor has found a little cyst on my neck. We aren't sure if it's cancerous yet. Regardless, should I have it removed?

Is ovarian cyst removal minimally invasive?

I have large ovarian cysts that have a chance of being cancerous, and my doctors want to remove them. I'm 43 years old. Will the surgery be minimally invasive?

Why can't some tumors be removed?

My uncle has finally been diagnosed with a tumor on his gallbladder after multiple tests, and the tumor is malignant. The doctors originally thought that they could remove it,...

How often do tumors come back after being removed?

I have a malignant tumor on my left breast and we are going to remove it. I'm just nervous about it coming back. How often do tumors come back after being removed?

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