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I’m in pain

My upper back, shoulder blade, neck, and chest are in pain (it’s a piercing pain) and it’s red

Back pain

I have been having back pain for about a week. I was kicked in the back a couple of months ago. Wondering if back pain is due to being kicked in the back.

Do I need to go to the hospital

I’ve been having the pain in my lower left abdomen on the front side and it’s been hurting me feels like someone is squeezing a balloon, I had my left tube removed cause I had...

Should I go to doctor for possible hernia?

I’ve noticed a small bump on my stomach. I was snowboarding a couple days and my stomach was hurting from using those muscles and flaking on my belly so I believe it might Be...

Should I get this checked or let it be?

I am having sharp and pressure like pain in my left side temple above my ear. It seems no matter what I do nothing helps besides laying on this side which only offers some relief....

What is this rib pain?

On and off for a few years, I'll occasionally get a moderate sharp/stabbing pain on the right side of my ribcage, and at the same time I feel a lesser stabbing in the sole of my...

Leg swollen in back by calves

My leg is swollen by my calf has a lot of pressure and hurts. What to do besides elevated and take aleve ?


I am prescribed both Dilaudid and Adderall, I take both in the morning, can I take them at the same time? Or should I separate the times I take them and how much time should I...

What is going on with me

Hello so my Symptoms started back in May. I started experiencing unexplained bruising in my legs and feet. Also these Mark started showing up on my body and little bread spots...


My right upper thigh has been numb for bout two weeks I take Tylenol to ease some pain but it come back in my thigh I have a implanted pacemaker and my appendix bursted when I...


I ha e been feeling sick and not at myself, itcing all over, runny nose, headache, excessive weight loss, loss of appetite, hot flashes, insomnia, nauseous and anxious. My mind...

Bump on neck

I’ve been having really bad sharp pain headaches in the back of my head and now I have a very hard bump under the skin on the back of my neck. The bump doesn’t hurt but it is...

Pressure on top of head

It feels like there is a weight on the top of my head and slowly pushing my whole body down. It lasts for only a few seconds

Chronic pain since 1997. I need a doctor that will help me.

My primary doctor doesn’t give opiates and I need a pain specialist to help me and my primary doctor will go along with the pain specialist with medication.

Numbness in my arms and leg

Hello, this morning I got a sudden pain on my index finger knuckle on my right hand. The pain continued for a like an hour and then later on in the day it started numbing in the...

Costochondritis or more serious?

Hi, before I make the trip to see an in person doctor, I would like to have an opinion on if this sounds like costochondritis. I have been having these issues for a week and I...

Chronic pain since 1997. I need a doctor that will help me

My primary doctor doesn’t give opiates and I need a pain specialist to help me and my primary doctor with medication to help my chronic pain. Thank you.

Can chronic shoulder joint pain be fixed?

I have chronic shoulder joint pain. Can chronic shoulder joint pain be fixed?

Can pain medications help with hip arthritis pain?

I have hip arthritis and it hurts. Can pain medications help with hip arthritis pain?

What pain medications are effective for chronic pains?

I have chronic shoulder pain. What pain medications are effective for chronic pains?

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