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Does a fever always signal an infection?

I have a low fever (100. 1F). Why is this happening? I feel fine otherwise, just very warm. Is my body fighting off something?

My baby blinks excessively. What's wrong?

My baby is 7 months old. Recently he has been blinking excessively and has a concerned look in his eyebrows. What's wrong with him? What can I do?

When to go in?

I just got over a cold and now I have a hard time breathing, it feels like I cant catch my breath and my stomach hurts from coughing so much and I'm coughing so hard it makes my...

Why does my head hurt when I blow my nose?

When I blow my nose, I feel a tight pressure and pain in my head, and it is pounding afterward just for a few seconds. I don't think I have any other symptoms or any other medical...

My second child is 14 months old and hasn't taken her first steps. Is something wrong?

My first child took his first steps at 10 months, but my second child is 14 months old and still hasn't taken her first steps. I am concerned. Could this be a sign of a developmental...

Motion sickness in children?

My son experiences motion sickness whenever we travel, sometimes to the point of vomiting. I don't want to give him medication, so what can I do?

Vasovagal syncope getting worse

i have always been a fainter since I have been young- typically induced by pain such as my period cramps or abdominal pain. Over the last couple of years though, I have had many...

Diabetes affecting my baby

I have Type 2 diabetes and I am expecting my baby in a few weeks. My blood sugar has been pretty well controlled during my pregnancy. Will my baby need extra help after birth?...

Can asthma go away?

My regular doctor diagnosed me with asthma at my last visit. But now my symptoms are gone and I haven't even treated it yet. Is it possible for asthma to go away? Could it maybe...

Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?

Recently, I altered my diet to include less meat and dairy protein sources. I just went to the doctor and learned I am slightly low in vitamin b12. Is this from my dietary changes?...

Is protein powder safe for a protein deficiency?

I just found out I have a protein deficiency. Can I rely on protein powders alone, should I supplement them with natural sources or protein, or should I not use powders at all?...

Why do I have a fever after my flu shot?

I get my flu shot every year. I've never gotten a fever from it before until now. What's wrong? Could this just be coincidence?

Why was I prescribed an antibiotic for an ear infection? Don't I need drops?

I was prescribed a round of antibiotics for an ear infection. . . should I take it? I've had several ear infections but have never been prescribed an antibiotic before. I'm nervous...

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