How Do You Handle a "Fibro Flare-Up"?

Deidre Tranter Fibromyalgia

I was diagnosed back in 2000 for Fibromyalgia. I was 40 years old. I started out with muscle pain in my thighs and it gradually spread everywhere else except my lower legs and lower arms. I was diagnosed with Arthritis back in my early 30's in my hands and knees. Everything else I have, I have spent a lot of money on trying...

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When you have a fibro flare-up, what are your symptoms? How is it triggered?

My flare-ups happen when I have bad stress, long-term stress, or am doing too much. My lower back hurts, hips hurt, base of neck hurts, thighs down to knees hurt, flare up in my right elbow. Sometimes my shoulders hurt and I get headaches. Sleeping is poor because of pain and sleep apnea. Sometimes I can't remember something that should be easy to remember. I sometimes have a weird feeling in my left arm or left leg that feels like they are starting to go to sleep but it isn't that bad. Just enough to bother me and I have to shake it to make it stop. Mostly happens when I am relaxing in the evenings. It could be from a nerve problem.

Trying to get disability and having to wait forever is one of the big triggers. You are under stress because it takes so long to get answers about if you are disabled or not. The doctors they send you to, that you have never seen before, really don't know how things affect your body. Especially if you are not having such a bad day when you go see them. So you can't work and can't pay your bills for a really long time and your credit starts to go downhill. You stress about it all the time how you can pay your bills.

How do you manage a fibro flare-up?

I use some gel type of stuff that is like Bio Freeze but it is cheaper. I have it in big 32 oz. pump bottles. Sometimes I would like to be able to take a bath in it. Haha. I try and rest. Add heat to affected areas when I haven't used that gel on my knees and thighs. I have arthritis along with some other issues. I try hard not to take pills if I can help it. I don't want to do anymore damage then I already have. I have a friend that will give me a free massage if I need one because insurance doesn't cover it. I soak in a tub of hot water. I have been in a heated pool to keep moving with low impact movement.

I try not to do anything that will make it worse like cleaning the whole house. I will pick one or two things that need to be done that day and that is it. I stay in my room away from things so I have no stress. I want to try Acupuncture but I have not done that yet. I quit my job because I couldn't do it anymore. I am working on getting away from my bad long-term stress. 

Does your family and loved ones help you when you have a flare-up?

No not really. My spouse thinks I can keep going and going. He is part of my stress because he is bi-polar. I have some good friends that try and help me with things though. Mostly I just stay in my room and away from things if I can.