
Is it necessary to bring my child to an endocrinologist?

Should I bring my daughter to an endocrinologist? She just hit puberty. Is it necessary to ensure everything is alright?


Balloon feeling in neck?

After I smoke crack immediately after I exhale it feels like my veins are expanding in my neck. Is this dangerous? Learn more from our experts.


How long are Alzheimer's patients in hospice?

My grandfather has Alzheimer's and he is in hospice care. Learn more from our experts.


How should I deal with mom's depression associated with Parkinson's?

My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in her sixties. How can I help her cope with her depression? See how our experts answer.


When is surgery for rheumatoid arthritis recommended?

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a few years ago. Would I eventually need surgery? See how our experts answer this patient's question.


Why is my son so angry after rehab?

My son went to rehab for his drug addiction, and now that he's out, he has been very angry and abusive towards our family. Why is this happening?


My baby is constipated for a week. What can I do?

My baby is 4 weeks old now and has been severely constipated for a week. He is on breast milk only. The doctors say it is normal for babies to get constipation.


Should I massage my belly after birth?

I had a delivery 2 days ago. Learn more from our experts.


My son is 1 year and detected with pneumonia. is it serious?

My son is a year old and has been detected with pneumonia. Yesterday night his wheezing got serious and he had to be admitted to the hospital. He was given oxygen support.


Does heat rash spread all over the body?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know if heat rash spreads all over the body? Learn more from our experts.