

I get pulsing in my ears when wearing headphones and wax came out of my other ear. Sometimes i cant hear with two noises. No medication. Do i need to get my ears professionally...


What are signs of a heroin addiction?

I think it might be a heroin addiction. He's had used drugs before, but now he just seems skiddish, easily angered, and anxious all the time. Are these signs of a heroin addiction? Learn more.


Switching from suboxone to methadone

Can I switch from suboxone to methadone without precipitated withdrawal


Is rheumatoid arthritis serious?

I'm 56 years old and I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Is rheumatoid arthritis serious? What are my options? Learn more from our experts.


Will I be hooked up to a machine during my sleep study?

How do doctors monitors patients during sleep studies? Learn more from our experts.


Is a victims advocate basically a social worker?

My daughter was sexually assaulted and instead of getting a social worker for her case, she has a victim's advocate helping her. Are they the same thing?


Why is dada most children's first word?

My 2 year olds first word was dada. Learn more from our experts.


What are the multivitamins to be given to a 6 weeks old baby?

My little one is 6 weeks old now and the doctor has still not advised any multivitamins. Are there any multivitamins to be given to a six weeks old baby


I have sharp, shooting pain in my fingers when I type. What could be wrong?

I work in an office, and spent most of my day typing. Lately, when I am on my computer, I am experiencing a sharp, shooting pain in my hand Read this article to learn more.


What are the dangers of stomach band surgery?

I am a 38 year old female. I am overweight and considering stomach band surgery. Learn more from our experts.