Which Specialist Uses Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a treatment method in which the hair is removed permanently. However, you will not end up hairless and with smooth skin just with just one laser treatment. In general, four to six laser hair removal treatments are necessary to achieve smooth and hairless skin. This also depends on the area of the body that is being treated, as well as how much hair a person has. Because hair grows in cycles, with only one treatment you will manage to get rid of only the hair that was in the growing cycle at the time you had the treatment. Generally, laser hair removal treatments are done every month until the desired result is achieved. Additional treatments, often known as maintenance treatments, are also necessary, as the hair can continue to grow despite the laser treatment. Usually, these maintenance treatments are recommended every six to twelve months.
Laser hair removal is a safe treatment provided it is done by skin and laser experts. However, just like any other treatment it has its own risks, side effects, and complications. After the procedure, it is normal to have red skin that is sometimes swollen. This will normally resolve within a couple hours after the treatment. However, the redness and the swollen skin can sometimes last for several days. It can be relieved with cooling gels and ice packs applied locally where needed.
When it comes to laser hair removal, you should pay close attention to the person or facility that you are going to go to for laser hair removal treatment. When performed by an unprofessional or inexperienced person, laser treatment can become dangerous and cause serious damage to your skin. If laser treatment is used for the eyebrows, it can cause serious damage to your eyes, as well. In general, laser hair removal treatment is not used for the removal of eyebrows. If used by unprofessional people, laser hair removal treatment can lead to blistering, crusting, or even scarring of the skin. To avoid this, do adequate research on the office and person who will be performing your treatments.
Have you been considering laser hair removal as a method of getting rid of the unwanted hair on your body? Are you looking for a specialist or a facility where to do it? Well, as mentioned, the most important thing is to choose professionals who have experience and know what they are doing. But, which specialist uses laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal treatments are routinely performed by dermatologists or dermatological surgeons. Plastic surgeons also use laser hair removal. Whichever you choose, make sure to choose a professional, and try to find reviews and testimonials, if possible. This may prevent an unfortunate and possibly unsafe situation.
A dermatologist or dermatological surgeon is the specialist who is supposed to conduct all laser hair removal procedures. For a person to become a dermatologist, they must go through a medical school and get specialized in dermatology, after which they are registered under the responsible body depending on the location. In the United States, this body is the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Generally, a dermatologist is supposed to address conditions affecting the skin, and since hair grows out of the skin, then it too can be addressed by a dermatologist
However, with increasing demand for cosmetic solutions to various problems such as the use of laser hair removal, there wouldn’t be enough registered dermatologists to perform these procedures. In 2012, there were about 318,000 reported laser hair removal procedures performed, and these numbers rose to about 464,000 in 2013. Considering that not all procedures are reported, we can safely assume there were a lot more procedures done during that time.
This is why it is now possible for cosmetologists, regular nurses, and physician assistants to perform this procedure, too. It would require that they undergo some form of training, though, and they should practice under a registered dermatologist for a while. After completing this training, they are registered under the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS).
Why are there so many unreported procedures?
Compared to the 464,000 reported cases of laser hair removal reported in 2013, there were probably a lot more procedures that were not reported, and there are various reasons for this.
Laser hair removal is still not regulated in many countries at the moment. Being unregulated, virtually anyone can perform the procedure provided they have the equipment and a user manual. In these situations, it is unlikely that the individual performing the procedure would report the treatments.
Another reason the procedure may not be reported is that the procedure is quite expensive. A single laser hair removal procedure can cost upwards of $100 depending on the size of the area and its sensitivity. For example, a procedure on the legs normally costs less than one around the bikini line due to the sensitive nature of the bikini line. Due to this pricing scheme, some people will choose to have the treatment performed by an unlicensed individual. If performed by an unlicensed practitioner, they may charge less, and most people are willing to take the chance, thinking that there are no risks. These procedures would likely be unreported.
Are there any risks if the procedure is performed by an unlicensed practitioner?
Yes, there are risks, and there is a possibility of complications. Laser technology can be quite harmful if left in the hands of an untrained individual. Despite there being very few reported cases of malpractice by clients who suffered adverse effects in the hands of non-professionals, there is actually a significant number of incidents, but the individuals settle the case through a financial settlement.
Risks posed by untrained hands can be as minor as some superficial damage to the skin such as scarring, but it can also cause more serious damage. Complaints are commonly made by individuals with darker skin or lighter hair who suffered from negative side effects after the procedure. The truth is, despite the minimal risks, it still requires a skilled hand to handle the equipment properly and to provide the necessary care after the procedure.
How to identify a licensed specialist?
The AAD and ASDS websites provide information about all the registered specialists, and one can easily confirm whether or not the individual sitting across from them at the doctor’s office is fully qualified.