Dr. Rahul K. Nath - What Are Peripheral Nerve Injuries?
Dr. Rahul Nath is a brachial plexus, foot drop and winging scapula surgery specialist practicing in Houston, TX. Dr. Nath specializes in management of complex peripheral nerve injuries. Improving function, symmetry and quality of life are key goals in nerve reconstructive surgery. Dr. Nath has authored over 75... more
What Are Peripheral Nerve Injuries??
Peripheral nerve injuries include a variety of conditions in which one or more peripheral nerves are damaged. A nerve injury can affect your brain's ability to communicate with your muscles and organs. Common peripheral nerve injuries include shoulder injury, winged scapula, and foot drop.
Shoulder Injuries can leave you unable to work or do the activities you love. The symptoms include pain, tightness, numbness, or weakness in the shoulder region. Immediate treatment is needed to prevent further nerve damage. Some surgical options include nerve grafting, nerve transfer, nerve decompression, and tendon transfer.
Winged Scapula is a common diagnosis affecting shoulder stability and is a significant functional problem. The condition is closely linked to muscle imbalances and tendonitis around the shoulder joint, which may cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. An effective treatment is decompression surgery.
Foot Drop or difficulty raising your foot at the ankle, can make daily activities even more difficult. This condition causes a floppy foot that affects the way you walk. You may also experience weakness and irritation in the foot. Nerve transfer and nerve decompression surgery offer recovery of voluntary ankle movement.