Dr. Michael Gallo, M.D.
Colon & Rectal Surgeon
Dr. Michael Gallo is a colon and rectal surgeon practicing in Garden City, NY. Dr. Gallo specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. As a colon and rectal surgeon, Dr. Gallo often treats conditions like rectal cancer, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and diverticulitis. Colon and rectal surgeons may be referred to you by your gastroenterologist if your doctor believes you need a surgical procedure.
26 years
Dr. Michael Gallo, M.D.
- Garden City, NY
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras Facultad de Ciencias Medicas
- Accepting new patients
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Perianal abscess?
This appears to have matured into a fistula tract. This happens in 50% of the time after a perianal abscess has drained. Betadine solution will not solve this problem. Find a colorectal READ MORE
This appears to have matured into a fistula tract. This happens in 50% of the time after a perianal abscess has drained. Betadine solution will not solve this problem. Find a colorectal surgeon in your area to have this evaluated. This may require an outpatient minor surgery which would include a fistulotomy.
How do I remove this permanently?
The swelling is most likely prolapsing internal hemorrhoids. These can be addressed by either rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy. Have a colorectal surgeon do a focused perianal READ MORE
The swelling is most likely prolapsing internal hemorrhoids. These can be addressed by either rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy. Have a colorectal surgeon do a focused perianal exam. The pain and the bleeding may be an anal fissure which may require application of creams, stool softeners, fiber supplementation and sits baths.
When to stop having sex before a colonoscopy?
I think refraining from anal sex for 1 week would be prudent to make sure the endoscopist doesn't mistake any rectal trauma for an inflammatory condition.
Treatment for hemorrhoids?
if you have anal pain with bowel movements then you most likely have an anal fissure. Have a colorectal surgeon do a focused anal exam. You may have to introduce stool softeners READ MORE
if you have anal pain with bowel movements then you most likely have an anal fissure. Have a colorectal surgeon do a focused anal exam. You may have to introduce stool softeners and fiber supplements. If this is a chronic affliction you may require an outpatient surgery which is called a sphincterotomy.
Why am I bleeding after colonoscopy?
A small amount of blood after a colonoscopy is not uncommon. This can happen from the mere trauma of the colonoscope. If the bleeding continues you should alert your endoscopist READ MORE
A small amount of blood after a colonoscopy is not uncommon. This can happen from the mere trauma of the colonoscope. If the bleeding continues you should alert your endoscopist immediately!
Do they put you to sleep for a rectal exam?
No you are not put to sleep for an anorectal exam. The physician will most likely use a small anoscope which doesn't hurt but feels similar to having a bowel movement or passing READ MORE
No you are not put to sleep for an anorectal exam. The physician will most likely use a small anoscope which doesn't hurt but feels similar to having a bowel movement or passing flatus.