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Dr. Bhavna Chopra, MD

Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) | Nephrology

Dr. Bhavna Chopra is a Transplant Nephrologist practicing in Pittsburgh PA. She works as a Nephrologist caring for patients with Chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury and patients on dialysis. She works with a multi disciplinary team at the transplant center and cares of patients with end stage kidney disease who wish to be evaluated for a kidney transplant, after completing their work up for transplant, she helps them get listed for a kidney transplant. She also evaluates potential kidney donors to make sure they are in good health and are able to donate a kidney to their loved ones. She along with multi disciplinary team of physicians, surgeons, pharmacists and nurse coordinators works towards ensuring a successful outcome during transplant surgery and post transplant medical care. This includes management of anti rejection medications, rejection treatments and treatment of infections etc. Her special interests are in clinical transplantation and living donation. 
22 years Experience
Dr. Bhavna Chopra, MD
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • BJ Medical school, Pune
  • Accepting new patients

I have a question about liver numbers?

We worry about the ALT/AST ratio if it is 3 times above normal. Or if the bilirubin is also very high. If all LFTs are normal, then the ratio doesn’t mean anything.

Can stents block up again?

Most patients with cardiac stents are asked to take anti platelet blood thinners at least for some time after stent placement (duration depending on the type of stent) in order READ MORE
Most patients with cardiac stents are asked to take anti platelet blood thinners at least for some time after stent placement (duration depending on the type of stent) in order to prevent in stent stenosis (blockage). You should definitely take all prescribed anti platelets for that duration and baby aspirin life long thereafter.

Can I catch Covid again?

Once you have had COVID infection you might. It get reinfected right away if you have a good immune system, but if the strain changes ( like delta to omicron) you can get reinfected. READ MORE
Once you have had COVID infection you might. It get reinfected right away if you have a good immune system, but if the strain changes ( like delta to omicron) you can get reinfected. The one thing that definitely protects you is the vaccine. So if you are fully vaccinated you are protected.

I am having headaches?

Headache could be from a variety of causes. Migraine, tension headache, from high BP, flu, sinus headache; you may want to talk to your PCP.

Early pregnancy/COVID effect?

Pregnancy is somewhat immune suppressed state, and can more symptoms occasionally. But I guess, quarantining and monitoring symptoms is the best you can do., if get worse to local READ MORE
Pregnancy is somewhat immune suppressed state, and can more symptoms occasionally. But I guess, quarantining and monitoring symptoms is the best you can do., if get worse to local hospital

How bad is 46 HDL for a woman?

HDL of 46 is very good.

What is this abscess?

Abscess is a puss pocket which will need drained, you should see a medical provider to help you.. you might also need antibiotics.

How conclusive is an HIV rapid test?

HIV rapid tests are quiet reliable but you should get a confirmatory test through your doctor