The origin and history of acupuncture
Kaiti Wang is an acupuncturist practicing in Baytown, TX. Dr. Wang evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of oriental medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting a patient history and looking at and touching the body. Then, they place very fine acupuncture needles into specific points on... more
In ancient times, hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans still lived in caves, still using stones and wooden sticks to hunt animals. Humans discovered acupuncture points. When a patient has a headache hurts the acupuncture points on his hand while working - When Hegu (Li 4), the head does not hurt. The patient with stomach pain hurts the acupuncture point of the leg-Zusanli (S 36), the stomach does not hurt. It was discovered that one point after another, can cure a variety of diseases. People use sharp stones to stimulate acupuncture points to treat diseases.
At that time, there were no words, which were passed on by mouth and ear. (So far, nearly 400 acupuncture points have been found.) And, it has been found that there are acupuncture points and organs After that, twelve meridians and two strange veins were discovered. Now, many people in China use acupuncture to treat diseases every day. This is because acupuncture works quickly. Some people have a cold and nasal congestion. Just one needle is stuck in Hegu (Li 4) at the acupuncture point, and the nose is no longer stuffy. The nose is no longer runny, and the cold is also better.
Many medical expenses have been reduced. Thirty years ago, it was discovered by modern thermometers that the meridians in the body, the stream is flowing and the temperature is higher than the surrounding body fluids. It is also found that flowing body fluids are high in nutrients. When acupuncture points, the stream will expand and strengthen. The study also found that after acupuncture, it can enhance immunity and adjust blood pressure. It can balance hormones, increase energy, can improve blood circulation, and prolong life.
More and more people are learning about acupuncture. Many patients praise it as a "miracle!" or "incredible". In many countries in the world, acupuncture treatment is included in the government medical system, and all expenses are paid by the government, which greatly reduces medical expenses.