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Dr. Adam Lipson, MD


Dr. Adam Lipson is a board-certified neurosurgeon specializing in brain tumors, pituitary tumors, and minimally-invasive techniques for spinal surgery. He graduated from Harvard Medical School with ho ...
25 years Experience
Dr. Adam Lipson, MD
  • Hershey, PA
  • Harvard Med Sch
  • Accepting new patients

Does an MRI show nerve damage?

Yes MRI can show nerve damage, as well as EMG/nerve conduction study.

What stops excessive eye twitching?

Usually an issue with sleep, too much screen time or an electrolyte imbalance.

What's causing headaches on the right side of my head?

Many things. If it affects your quality of life, then see your primary doctor or neurologist.

What are some things that cause memory loss?

See a neurologist for this issue. Sometimes you need dedicated neuropsychological testing.

Do I need a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon for back problems?

Both specialties are experts in spinal surgery.

Can brain-eating amoeba cause opsoclonus?

No. Usually either genetic, caused by cancer syndromes, post-infection, or idiopathic.

What can be done for my chronic severe nerve pain?

Many things can be done. You need a proper diagnosis first, usually with cervical and shoulder MRI.

What's done for lytic lesions on my skull?

Sometimes we follow them, sometimes we take them out. You need MRI and/or bone scan to workup.

Do brain tumors always need to be surgically removed?

Surgery will give a diagnosis. Sometimes we can treat with radiation, radiosurgery or chemotherapy, depending on the pathology.

Do spinal injuries eventually need surgery?

Sometimes surgery is necessary. You need MRI of the spine for diagnostic workup.

Can you have surgery for nerve pain?

Yes, absolutely. There are many options for this.


Adam Lipson

Can you drive after ulnar nerve surgery?

Yes, the day after surgery in my practice.