Dr. David C. Folkers, M.D.
Dr. David Folkers is a general surgeon practicing in Austin, TX. Dr. Folkers specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the abdomen, colon, breast, and thyroid. This includes procedures to repair hernias, treat gallstones, treat diverticulitis, remove colon, breast, and thyroid cancers.
35 years
Dr. David C. Folkers, M.D.
- Austin, TX
- Univ of Ks Sch of Med, Kansas City Ks
- Accepting new patients
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Bad abdomen pains?
It is difficult to pinpoint with suck limited information, but it may be a hernia or varicocele. This can be diagnosed with a physical exam and an ultrasound.
Should I be worried about general anesthesia?
Over 110,000 people undergo general anesthesia every day in the USA. he pre-operative evaluation by the anesthesiologist is an important part of ensuring safe and uneventful anesthesia. READ MORE
Over 110,000 people undergo general anesthesia every day in the USA. he pre-operative evaluation by the anesthesiologist is an important part of ensuring safe and uneventful anesthesia. Current and past medical problems need to be discussed, as well as any bloodwork or imaging.
Can you remove gallstones without removing the gallbladder?
Yes, one could remove the gallstones without removing the gallbladder, but no one should. The gallbladder will quickly make new stones and the symptoms and risks would therefore READ MORE
Yes, one could remove the gallstones without removing the gallbladder, but no one should. The gallbladder will quickly make new stones and the symptoms and risks would therefore return. Finally, the surgical risks to removing the stones would be very similar to those from removing the gallbladder and stones.
Do you need surgery if you suffer from diabetes?
No, there is no standard surgical procedures needed for the diagnosis of diabetes.