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Dr. Michael Blumenfield, MD


Dr. Michael Blumenfield is a psychiatrist practicing in Woodland Hills, CA. Dr. Blumenfield is a medical doctor specializing in the care of mental health patients. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Blumenfield diagnoses and treats mental illnesses. Dr. Blumenfield may treat patients through a variety of methods including medications, psychotherapy or talk therapy, psychosocial interventions and more, depending on each individual case. Different medications that a psychiatrist might prescribe include antidepressants, antipsychotic mediations, mood stabilizers, stimulants, sedatives and hypnotics. Dr. Blumenfield treats conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD,post traumatic stress eating disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, sexual issues, insomnia, ADD and other mental illnesses.Dr. Blumenfield utilizes psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapy as well as CBT, psychopharmacology and other techniques. 
60 years Experience
Dr. Michael Blumenfield, MD
  • Woodland Hills, CA
  • State University of NY
  • Accepting new patients

What is the best medicine for panic attacks?

The most important question should be why you are having "panic attacks." Are there psychological issues which are triggering them? Have you had a complete physical evaluation READ MORE
The most important question should be why you are having "panic attacks." Are there psychological issues which are triggering them? Have you had a complete physical evaluation and are physical factors ruled out? Is there a hereditary factor? Once these issues are all addressed, medication can be considered usually along with psychotherapy. The prescribing doctor who usually will be a psychiatrist will explain the various types of anti-anxiety medications that may be used including short acting benzadiazepines as well as longer acting medications of this class as well as the tendency to become physically dependent on them. There are other medications which may be effectively used including various antidepressants which have anti-anxiety effects. Combining medication and psychotherapy is often the best combination with a plan to reduce or phase out the medications in many cases.

How do I know if I have bipolar or borderline personality disorder?

The two diagnoses are not mutually exclusive. You can have both of them. Treatment may involve psychotherapy and medication.

Is sertraline a strong antidepressant?

Sertraline is a very effective antidepressant. Frequently, the dosage needs to be titrated upward to be most effective. There are many other effective antidepressants. Sometimes READ MORE
Sertraline is a very effective antidepressant. Frequently, the dosage needs to be titrated upward to be most effective. There are many other effective antidepressants. Sometimes one will be more effective than another one in different people.

How do you recover from depression?

There is great variability in depression. Some people will respond very well to antidepressant medication. Other people will improve their depression after psychotherapy. Still READ MORE
There is great variability in depression. Some people will respond very well to antidepressant medication. Other people will improve their depression after psychotherapy. Still others will need a combination of both.

What are some symptoms of depression?

First step is to have a physical evaluation to be sure that there are no medical conditions causing the nausea. If you are having thoughts that frequently bother you, it would READ MORE
First step is to have a physical evaluation to be sure that there are no medical conditions causing the nausea. If you are having thoughts that frequently bother you, it would be appropriate to have a psychological evaluation by a mental health specialist.

Can you still get depressed while on antidepressants?

Of course you can. First of all, it is possible that the main factors of the depression are psychological and have to be addressed in psychotherapy. It may also be that the antidepressant READ MORE
Of course you can. First of all, it is possible that the main factors of the depression are psychological and have to be addressed in psychotherapy. It may also be that the antidepressant has to have an adjustment in dosage. Also, sometimes one antidepressant will not be effective in a particular person and another one will work well. All these things need to be discussed with the professional or professionals with whom you are working.

Why does depression have a genetic factor?

Depression can have a genetic underpinning but it is not inevitable that you will have it. It is also possible to develop serious depression where there is no apparant genetic READ MORE
Depression can have a genetic underpinning but it is not inevitable that you will have it. It is also possible to develop serious depression where there is no apparant genetic connection. If you are having symptoms you should see a mental health specialist. Treatment works.

Why am I scared to ween off my bipolar medication?

If you are doing well and would like to consider going off your medications, it should obviously be tapered under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Some medications need to be READ MORE
If you are doing well and would like to consider going off your medications, it should obviously be tapered under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Some medications need to be tapered more slowly than others. It may be that your symptoms will return when you go off the medication and you will need to go back on them or perhaps be put on another medication

Can antidepressants cause insomnia?

It is possible that in some people antidepressant medication may trigger some new symptoms which could include insomnia. The prescribing psychiatrist should be aware of such changes READ MORE
It is possible that in some people antidepressant medication may trigger some new symptoms which could include insomnia. The prescribing psychiatrist should be aware of such changes and may want to adjust the medications

Are antidepressants addictive?

They are not physically addictive as certain narcotic drugs. However, if they effectively treat depression and the depression returns when you go off the medication, there will READ MORE
They are not physically addictive as certain narcotic drugs. However, if they effectively treat depression and the depression returns when you go off the medication, there will be a strong incentive to stay on the medication. Psychotherapy can also help the depression.

Should I go to the hospital for an anxiety attack?

If you are having any thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else you should go to the hospital. If you have been prescribed medication or have been taught techniques dealing READ MORE
If you are having any thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else you should go to the hospital. If you have been prescribed medication or have been taught techniques dealing with the anxiety, you should try those approaches. It is also possible for you to have a remote consultation with a mental health professional who may be able to help you. While we certainly want to try to avoid hospital visits especially during the pandemic, if the anxiety persists and you can't function, a visit to the hospital may be necessary.

Does relaxation help anxiety?

Certainly, relaxation can help anxiety . However there may be psychological reasons for the anxiety which you may best deal with by seeing a therapist.

Do Parkinson's patients experience high levels of depression?

If he is having high levels of depression, he certainly should see a professional as he may very well be helped by therapy, medication or both.

How do antidepressants affect the brain?

Yes , they work on brain chemistry

What can I do for my anxiety?

You should see a mental health professional. You may benefit by psychotherapy, medication or both.

Addiction to anti-anxiety pills?

In addition to antianxeity medication, you may benefit by psychotherapy which may help you deal with psychological issues that are bringing about your anxiety.

Can repeated blackouts indicate an alcohol problem?

Of course!! This person needs medical and psychological help!

Should I be on anti-anxiety medications?

You should have a consultation with a psychiatrist . Medication and therapy should be helpful to you

Are there ways to deal with depression without medication?

Sometimes psychotherapy will be sufficient to treat depressive symptoms but other times medication is necessary with or without psychotherapy

Can a psychiatrist prescribe medications to his or her patients?

Psychiatrists are physicians and can and do prescribe medications for depression. They also can provide psychotherapy.