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Dr. John Dandelski, D.C.


Before entering the chiropractic profession I was a patient, so I understand the questions and concerns of my patients. I had a long history of neck and back pain from downhill and water skiing (my nickname ...
Dr. John Dandelski, D.C.
  • Knoxville, TN
  • Life University, Chiropractic College, Marietta, Ga
  • Accepting new patients

What is the best exercise for shoulder pain?

The BEST solution is to see a professional and have the condition diagnosed. The pain can come from a variety of causes and just trying to strengthen the shoulder is a bad idea READ MORE
The BEST solution is to see a professional and have the condition diagnosed. The pain can come from a variety of causes and just trying to strengthen the shoulder is a bad idea not knowing the underlying cause. Personally, I treat shoulder pain every day and usually fix the problem, which is frequently due to a simply misalignment of the SC, AC, or glenohumeral joint. More insidious causes can be a strain of one of four rotator cuff muscles, or a tear of same. There are numerous other causes of shoulder pain so consult a pro.

Can a chiropractor help shoulder tendonitis?

A GOOD sports chiropractor and extremity specialist has many ways to treat shoulder issues. The first step is to properly diagnose the specific issue(s). I've had too many patients READ MORE
A GOOD sports chiropractor and extremity specialist has many ways to treat shoulder issues. The first step is to properly diagnose the specific issue(s). I've had too many patients tell me they have tendinitis or a torn rotator cuff, when in fact it was something much different and easier to fix, many times in just one visit.

How do you crack someones back with a bear hug?

You don't! I've treated way too many people who have been "cracked" by a friend and were seriously hurt. Find a GOOD chiropractic physician.

Why do chiropractors check leg length?

The short answer is that because the legs attach to the pelvis at the hip, a rotated pelvis will reveal a leg length discrepancy. A rotated or misaligned pelvis at the sacroiliac READ MORE
The short answer is that because the legs attach to the pelvis at the hip, a rotated pelvis will reveal a leg length discrepancy. A rotated or misaligned pelvis at the sacroiliac (SI) joints is the leading cause of back pain and can lead to more serious lumbar spine issues due to prolonged pelvic tilting. Simple SI joint adjustments properly realign the SI joints by adjusting the pelvis and/or sacrum, thus leveling the pelvis, sacrum, and the lumbar vertebrae.