Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor help shoulder tendonitis?

I am a 32 year old male and I have shoulder tendonitis. Can a chiropractor help shoulder tendonitis?

19 Answers

Yes with therapy to bring down inflammation.
Yes, between adjusting a shoulder that is partially out of alignment and adjusting the area of the cervical spine that sends information to the shoulder. Also, many chiropractors have therapies to reduce inflammation as well.
Yes It could be a neck issue, upper back issue contributing to the tendonitis
Yes we have ways to help shoulder tendonitis. Generally in our office we have many different therapeutic options to our disposal. A general evaluation must be done first.
Yes a chiropractor can help shoulder tendinitis. There are different approaches to the treatment program based on how you got the injury, whether it is acute or chronic, whether it is related to core weakness, neurological deficit to the area, repetitive stress... it may be a simple local injury or the most irritating part in a string of issues.
Some Chiropractors can treat a shoulder tendonitis. I offer very effective treatment in my office.

Dr. Mary Jean Negri
Yes chiropractors help tendonitis with physical modalities and exercises
Yes, a chiropractor will be able to provide therapies and exercises to help reduce the strain on the tendon and also reduce the inflammation. A chiropractor will also ensure the shoulder is aligned properly so that additional movement does not continue to irritate the tendon.
YES. Chiropractic can help with shoulder tendonitis. I adjust shoulders regularly. Not just the spine. If a shoulder joint is out of alignment, the muscles and tendons are then ALSO out of alignment. That causes stress.
A GOOD sports chiropractor and extremity specialist has many ways to treat shoulder issues. The first step is to properly diagnose the specific issue(s). I've had too many patients tell me they have tendinitis or a torn rotator cuff, when in fact it was something much different and easier to fix, many times in just one visit.

Your question is very vague. Do you have pain from your neck to your elbow? Do you have moderate to severe pain when you raise your arm from your side to your ear? Do you have weakness lifting objects from beside you or reaching behind you? You may have Rotator Cuff Syndrome or referred pain from your neck. The only way to find out is to have a comprehensive exam.

I wish you well,

Dr. Richard Feher, D.C.
Yes. They can help with tendinitis.
Yes, chiropractors can help this. As long as the doctor is willing and is within their state guidelines. No harm in asking.
If it’s truly shoulder tendinitis, the easiest fix is usually ice twice a day for 20 minutes for two weeks. But I would need to know the underlying cause of the tendinitis. Is it because the shoulder is out of alignment? Or your chest is dominant, meaning you need more back exercises. A quick evaluation can tell you the answer.
Chiropractors treat all types of musculoskeletal conditions including tendinitis of the shoulder. I highly recommend you consult a chiropractor for a full evaluation to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Good luck,

Steve Lipschutz, DC, CCSP
Hello. Tendonitis is definitely a condition that can be addressed via chiropractic; However to assess your current condition an examination along with an Orthopedic and Neurological assessment is needed determine the best treatment options for you.
It depends on the reason for the tendonitis. Most chiropractors will be able to handle a case of tendinitis (yes, it can be either tendonitis or tendinitis) if it stems from improper joint motion or a muscle imbalance. They should take a detailed history and do a thorough examination. They should give you exercises that you can do at home also.
Yes, I would recommend a Sport Chiropractor for this complaint.
Yes! Absolutely! Tendinitis is caused from the bone not being aligned correctly. An adjustment will help correct this misalignment and take the pressure off the muscle/tendon .