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Dr. Charles Lapeyre Thompson, M.D.


Dr. Charles Thompson is an ophthalmologist practicing in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Thompson specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Thompson can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Thompson can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Dr. Charles Lapeyre Thompson, M.D.
  • Baton Rouge, LA
  • Accepting new patients

My son is 3 years old and has developed cataract. What should I do?

Find a pediatric ophthalmologist in your area and consult with him/her about surgical removal options if they are indicated

Is there an age restriction for a refractive surgery?

Earliest FDA approval for laser vision correction is 18, but that is for certain patients. 12 is too young.

I want to wear contacts

Can be a fit issue with the lens. Could be a structural problem with the under surface of the eyelid. Have your eye doctor flip your eyelid and have a look.

Is stopping restasis considered to be dangerous?

Temporary cessation causes no problem

Can baby shampoos cause cataract?

Baby shampoo cannot cause cataract formation

My eyes feel very dry after LASIK. Why could this be?

The effect of creating a lasik flap creates dryness because you are “cutting” through corneal nerves. This is usually a transient problem following most lasik cases. I would check READ MORE
The effect of creating a lasik flap creates dryness because you are “cutting” through corneal nerves. This is usually a transient problem following most lasik cases. I would check up with your surgeon; they can help with management options.

How do I know if my child has got an allergy or conjunctivitis?

Allergic conjunctivitis is a common form of conjunctivitis; there are many forms. If it causes persistent symptoms, an exam can determine the cause of his conjunctivitis, which READ MORE
Allergic conjunctivitis is a common form of conjunctivitis; there are many forms. If it causes persistent symptoms, an exam can determine the cause of his conjunctivitis, which will then dictate appropriate treatment.

Why are my eyes sore after contacts?

The two most common problems are a fit issue (meaning the lens curvature may be too steep), which gives a suction cup/squeezing like effect or you may be sensitive to the material READ MORE
The two most common problems are a fit issue (meaning the lens curvature may be too steep), which gives a suction cup/squeezing like effect or you may be sensitive to the material the contact is made of. Should have your fit checked and eyes checked. A poorly fitting contact lens leads to increased contact lens complications.

Why does my eyesight get worse every year?

This depends on a number of factors - age, whether you are near sighted or far sighted, the presence or absence of astigmatism, etc. What is your age? Do you know whether any READ MORE
This depends on a number of factors - age, whether you are near sighted or far sighted, the presence or absence of astigmatism, etc.
What is your age? Do you know whether any of these apply to you?

My eye looks different because of my astigmatism. Anything I can do?

Astigmatism should not cause your eye to physically appear different than the other eye.

Do you have any additional information?