Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Acupuncture

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Acupuncture
Mike Daniel Berkley Acupuncturist New York, NY

Mike Berkley L.AC. , FABORM, is a top acupuncturist in New York who specializes in the treatment of those faced with fertility challenges. With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to his specialty, Mike is an expert in helping you to start or grow your family. Mike is a prime example of a true leader... more

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by the biochemical findings of hyperandrogenism (too much androgen), an LH to FSH ratio of three to one, occasional insulin resistance as well as the physical findings of polycystic ovaries and occasional hirsutism (excess hair on the face or other areas of the body like the abdomen or chest).  Fifty-percent of women who have PCOS are obese.

PCOS can lead to many diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. 

Another major problem caused by PCOS is infertility. The inability to conceive in the PCOS patient stems from several factors: 1) the follicles typically don’t mature and only develop between 10 and 12 mm. A mature follicle grows to approximately 20mm; 2) the eggs contained within the follicles are not of the best quality. This is why, even when women with PCOS use medication and IUI or IVF to conceive, there is a greater rate of miscarriage than women in the general population; 3) there is an inappropriate hormonal milieu: the FSH, LH, Estrogen, Androgen and Progesterone levels are typically at inappropriate levels or have inappropriate quantitative relationships between them.

One of the mainstays of acupuncture and herbal medicine is to improve hemodynamics or blood flow to the ovaries and uterine lining. This is important because blood carries hormones, electrolytes, oxygen and nutrients to target tissue and upon its return, takes debris or dead cells away from the target tissue. Thus, an increase in the patency of blood flow to any tissue means a healthier tissue and better performing organ system.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, PCOS represents a disease that is caused by what we call ‘phlegm’. This phlegm is not the typical phlegm that you think of, but represents rather a sticky, viscous substance that is inert and still, clogging and blocking. This type of presentation as you can imagine is not very amenable to being nurtured by blood and enjoying the benefits that blood has to offer. One may think of a polycystic ovary in traditional Chinese medicine terms as a big bruise that won’t go away.

Imagine, strongly improving blood flow to and through that bruise: it is then that the healing process begins. This is exactly the case with the polycystic ovary. Acupuncture and herbal medicine cannot cure PCOS, but when combined, they can help improve follicle quality and egg quality. This is why the East meets West approach to infertility makes sense. When a patient undergoes an IUI or IVF procedure, the reproductive endocrinologist fertilizes an egg with sperm and transfers the embryo back to the uterus. Or, as in the case with an IUI, the doctor will facilitate the growth and development of more than one follicle and have those follicles meet with more sperm than that which occurs with sexual intercourse, thereby improving the chances of a fertilized ovum.

The problem with these methods is that the treating physician can only work with the eggs and sperm that the patient presents with. If either egg or sperm is qualitatively deficient, either a pregnancy will not occur, or a miscarriage will prevail.

By including acupuncture and herbal medicine in the mix, there is a good chance, based upon 3000 years of clinical history, and volumes of classical literature on gynecology and infertility, and modern day clinical experience, that pregnancy rates will increase and miscarriage rates will decrease. This is because egg quality and lining is improved.

Lining quality is an often overlooked problem in the PCOS patient. The health of the endometrium is dependent upon the proper circulating amounts of estrogen and progesterone. In the PCOS patient, the estrogen levels are abnormal as are the progesterone levels. So, even when a doctor states that “you have a beautiful 10mm lining” this is not necessarily so. The shape or morphology of the uterine lining is no more an indication of its health than the shape of a person’s body. For example, you can look at a male model who is tan, handsome and muscled up and appears to be at the height of health but in fact,  he is HIV+. 

Again, as acupuncture and herbal medicine can stimulate blood flow to the lining of the uterus; it too will improve in quality, thereby increasing the chances of a successful implantation.

Herbal medicine and acupuncture, when provided by a licensed professional are safe. Remember the statistics: there are over one million hospitalizations per year in America as a result of reactions to prescription medications. When was the last time you heard about a death or severe illness occurring as a result of herbal medicine? Does it happen? Can it happen? Yes. But it is extremely rare.

When seeking the care of an acupuncturist and herbalist, look for two things: 1) experience in the field of reproductive disorders and 2) licensure and board certification.

A great place to find a qualified practitioner is www.aborm.org

Mike Berkley, Licensed Acupuncturist and Board Certified Herbalist has been treating infertility cases for twenty-two years. He is the first acupuncturist in the United States to specialize in this field.  For more on traditional Chinese medicine and infertility please see www.berkleycenter.com