
Dr. Robert Hardi Gastroenterologist Rockville, MD

Dr. Robert Hardi is a gastroenterologist practicing in Chevy Chase and Rockville, MD. Dr. Hardi specializes in the digestive system and its diseases.nHe has special expertise in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease) as well as colon cancer screening, in which he has conducted numerous clinical... more

Medipredict has arrived.

Medipredict is a pioneer in next-generation, personalized, preventive medicine.

What do we do?

At Medipredict, our goal is to give our customers the most accurate picture possible of diseases they may develop, how likely they are to appear in their lifetime, and to address what they can do to prevent them developing.

We work with doctors, geneticists, biologists, and representatives of many other fields towards a common goal: to ensure a maximum health span.

This is achieved using complex medical and instrumental examinations, imaging techniques, and combined analysis of genetic, microbiome and metabolic measurements, according to state-of-the-art scientific methods.

How do we do it?

Our primary target group is healthy and health-conscious people, but of course even those with serious health problems can turn to us. All the samples and tests are painless and none are burdensome. We analyze and evaluate the data, mapping out possible causes and effects. The results and recommendations we propose are summarized and provided to you in the form of a digital and printed report - you will also have access to this detailed information at any time, through a secure online portal.

What products do we have?

Our main product is the Integrated Health Report. This is a personalized summary of nearly 300 pages, in which you can learn everything about your own body and health: your combined and jointly evaluated medical results, the details of your entire genetic makeup, as well as your microbiome and metabolic profile.

In addition, we launched our independent Genetics Report, based on whole genome sequencing. In doing so, we provide information about your genetic diseases, genetic risks, the effectiveness and side effects of different medications that you might take, as well as your lifestyle characteristics, all in conjunction with professional genetic consultation.

Our latest, groundbreaking product is our Microbiome Report, from which you get a complete and accurate picture of the composition of your intestinal flora. We will examine both beneficial and harmful species, as well as determining what diseases may be indicated by the presence or absence of each. This information will be constantly expanded over time to reflect the latest research breakthroughs in this area.

More information is available on the webpage.

Science is changing rapidly, but your own body is changing even faster. Get to know both of them here!