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Dr. Natasha E. Kelly, M.D.


Dr. Natasha Kelly is a general surgeon/general practitioner practicing in Ansonia, CT. Dr. Kelly specializes in providing general practice medical care focusing on urgent care, MAT/Opioid/alcohol use disorder management, pain management, migraine management, orthotic devices/occupational health/rehab medicine, cancer screening, pharmacogenetics, allergy/immunology testing, obesity medicine, behavioral health, women’s health, infertility, polypharmacy prevention/management, and wound care to clients/patients across the U.S. via telemedicine platform.
Dr. Natasha E. Kelly, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • surgeon
  • Ansonia, CT
  • SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
  • Accepting new patients

Can ankle sprain be fixed with exercises?

Start Acunpuncture with Moxibustion. Change Nutrition to organic, non-GMO, no gluten green Mediterranean diet. Massage with chest rub BID. Look up rehab execercises on You Tube. READ MORE
Start Acunpuncture with Moxibustion. Change Nutrition to organic, non-GMO, no gluten green Mediterranean diet. Massage with chest rub BID. Look up rehab execercises on You Tube.

Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

No, conservative therapy with antiobiotics can wrok. Change nutrition. Start organic, non-GMO, no glutin green Mediterranian diet. Start Acupuncture with Moxibustion. Start 750-1,000 READ MORE
No, conservative therapy with antiobiotics can wrok. Change nutrition. Start organic, non-GMO, no glutin green Mediterranian diet. Start Acupuncture with Moxibustion. Start 750-1,000 ml Probiotics daily.

I had an appendicitis operation on 17 of November 2022,hope I can start eating semi-hard food like yam and other carbohydrates?

There is a leaky gut syndrome problem here. Please see Integrative/Functional Medicine. For now start with Probiotics daily and green Mediterranean diet.

How your taking a look in throat? Look in throat for foil tear off.

Start organic, non-GMO, no gluten green Mediterranean diet. Start Probiotics liquid daily about 750-1,000 ml. You still have to take multivitamins.

Want to know if its okay to stop dressing wound.

Focus on nutrition to heal the wound. No further dressing needed.

What foods to avoid after gastric bypass surgery?

Whatever the nutritionist with the Surgery team recommended.

Is a pancreas CT scan safe?

There is radiation, but everything has risks and benefits

Can brain aneurysm be fixed with out surgery?

Normally, no. But keep blood pressure very normal, less than 125/75

Is it okay to have constipation after colon surgery?

Change your diet. Drink probiotics daily. Must take Vit D, magnesium, Vit C and evening primrose oil. Stay hydrated with electrolyte water.

How long after gastric bypass can I drink alcohol?

Please seek alcohol use disorder counseling and treatment. Alcohol is very cardiotoxic,

Can you live normal after heart transplant surgery?

With support, yes. Will need cardiac rehab.

How serious is appendix surgery?

Depends on the extent of the Surgery. Anesthesia has its own risk.

Does ankle sprain need surgery?

It depends if ligaments are torn.

Can a blood clot in the heart be treated?

Yes, keep the blood thin. Consult Hematology.

What can cause rectal bleeding?

Please consult GI asap

Can high blood pressure cause heart attack?

Over time, it’s possible. More likely a stroke.

How long after C-section can I exercise?

Must start walking immediately. Just walking for now. Follow OB GYN instructions