Change your mind, change your day, week, life!
Dr. Sonja M. Ramirez is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and New Jersey. She has a mobile office under the business name Ramirez Behavioral Healthcare, LLC. Dr. Ramirez also works as a Contract Psychologist for both acute and sub-acute rehabilitation centers. Dr. Ramirez engages in sessions in client's homes,... more
I remind myself of this daily. We are so powerful and full of infinite potential. We can change a bad mood or adapt to a tough situation by changing what we say to ourselves.
The first step to change is thinking about it. That’s it! Just consider changing something specific. Next, choose to commit to that change. If you’re on the fence about it, you may not be motivated enough to work toward the small realistic goal. Therefore, you may set yourself up for failure rather than success. If that failure occurs, you’ll consider it reinforcement for not changing.
You need to see it, feel it, and believe it can happen before you attempt the new thoughts or behaviors that will create better habits. Then, you can create an action plan and work toward the goal simply and realistically.
We are who we think we are, and we do what we believe we are capable of.
Consider doing something differently. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Just do one thing differently and see what happens and how it feels. For instance, brush your teeth with the opposite hand or put on your pants or shoes with the opposite leg or foot first for a day. See what happens.
Life is a great series of experiments. The byproduct of some experimental failures are great successes that were never considered in the first place.
Keep this in mind and choose to have an abundant day. Create the day you desire.