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Dr. Augustus Valmond, MD

Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist)

Dr. Augustus Valmond, MD is one of the country's best ranked doctors, specializing in internal medicine and nephrology. MD Valmond currently sees patients in New york, New York. Dr. Valmond received a ...
Dr. Augustus Valmond, MD
  • Springdale, AR
  • Accepting new patients

Does Marijuana affect your kidneys?

Marijuana does not affect kidney disease

How to get rid of kidney stone pain?

Taking pain medications, passing the stone by drinking lots of water

Can you get rid of a kidney stone at home?

It depends on the size of the stone. If it’s less than 5mm, you should be able to pass it

How can I fix low creatinine levels?

Increase protein in diet


Trace protein may not be a reason for concern if a patient does not have any medical problems. There are factors that need to be take into consideration including fluid status, READ MORE
Trace protein may not be a reason for concern if a patient does not have any medical problems. There are factors that need to be take into consideration including fluid status, diet, medical conditions, medications, nutritional supplements etc . I would repeat the urinalysis in 1 month. If it persists, I would get a urine protein/creatinine ratio.

Platelets is low and S-Chloride is high

The results are mildly abnormal (platelets mildly low and chloride mildly high), however no need for concern as these values may have affected by fluid status. Would advise the READ MORE
The results are mildly abnormal (platelets mildly low and chloride mildly high), however no need for concern as these values may have affected by fluid status. Would advise the patient to come back to repeat them.