Dr. Laura Ruaro, DPROF.
Psychologist | Women
Dr. Laura Ruaro is a psychologist practicing in Pasadena, CA. She works with individuals, couples and families, and she specializes in the treatment of trauma and perinatal mood disorders. She also works with individuals who are experiencing depression, anxiety disorders and who are going through relationship difficulties and life transitions. Dr. Laura Ruaro has lived in a variety of different countries and can help others to explore the impact of migration and to navigate the unique challenges of acculturation and interracial, intercultural, & interfaith marriages.
In her psychotherapeutic work, Dr. Laura Ruaro addresses at the deep relational dynamics that are in the way of people moving forward and living a meaningful and fulfilled life. She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy (EMDR), psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and holds a certification in Perinatal Mental Health.
In her psychotherapeutic work, Dr. Laura Ruaro addresses at the deep relational dynamics that are in the way of people moving forward and living a meaningful and fulfilled life. She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy (EMDR), psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and holds a certification in Perinatal Mental Health.
11 years
Dr. Laura Ruaro, DPROF.
- Pasadena, CA
- London Metropolitan University
- Accepting new patients
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Don't know what i am going through
Hello, you are still young and given what you are saying you should definitely talk to a therapist about this. You definitely have time to turn things round. Daydreaming can be READ MORE
Hello, you are still young and given what you are saying you should definitely talk to a therapist about this. You definitely have time to turn things round. Daydreaming can be a defense against difficult feelings or realities.
What is the quickest treatment for depression?
There is no quick fix for depression. It is best to seek treatment with a professional who can support you. I have experience working with depression.
Can anxiety be treated with antidepressants?
Yes, anxiety can be treated with antidepressants, but I advise you to also see a therapist who can help you manage it and go to the roots of it.
Is psychotherapy effective for bipolar disorder?
Hello, Medication management by a psychiatrist in combination with psychotherapy is the recommended treatment for bipolar disorder.
How can you help with alcohol addiction?
Hello, I recommend establishing treatment for alcohol addiction as part of either an outpatient program or AA or similar groups. I can help support sobriety with psychotherapy READ MORE
Hello, I recommend establishing treatment for alcohol addiction as part of either an outpatient program or AA or similar groups. I can help support sobriety with psychotherapy in addition to these programs.
Can physical activity help depression?
Hello, physical activity can help depression, psychotherapy helps too, usually a combination of both is recommended.
How long does it take to treat panic attacks?
It depends. The symptom itself might be treated quickly in 4-6 sessions, but sometimes there is an underlying vulnerability that can take longer to unearth (1-2 years).