Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How can you help with alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction. How can you help with alcohol addiction?

3 Answers

I like it when someone admits to acknowledges I have an alcohol addiction Thats really is the first great step! There is AA, Biological and Behavioral Treatments available now more than ever and more novel treatments like TMS as an add on off-label treatment is also available. The best first step is to see an Addiction Psychiatrist to address contributory factors if any such as mood and impulse control disorders. Simultaneous treatment approaches for both conditions offers the best possible treatment Wish you all the best! Murali Rao, MD, FACLP, DLFAPA Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers LLC DuPage Psychiatric Care PLLC Email:
Hello, I recommend establishing treatment for alcohol addiction as part of either an outpatient program or AA or similar groups. I can help support sobriety with psychotherapy in addition to these programs.
Hello, Your statement and question: "I have an alcohol addiction. How can you help with alcohol addiction?" First, may I say this is brave coming out with you truth saying you have an alcohol addiction. Second, I can help by suggesting you go to your primary care physician and ask for help. Don Johnson