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Dr. Stella Awua-Larbi, M.D.

Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist)

Dr. Stella Awua-Larbi is a nephrologist practicing in Maywood, IL. Dr. Awua-Larbi specializes in the care and treatment of the kidneys. As a nephrologist, Dr. Awua-Larbi most typically treats conditions like kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, acute renal failure, polycystuc kidney disease, high blood pressure and more. Nephrologists are also experts on kidney transplantation and dialysis. They are usually referred to by primary care physicians for problems related to the kidneys, and while they can perform tests to diagnose kidney disorders, they do not perform surgeries.
24 years Experience
Dr. Stella Awua-Larbi, M.D.
  • New Lenox, IL
  • UW-Madison
  • Accepting new patients

What tests show kidney levels?

Creatinine level and GFR

How can I fix kidney injury after COVID?

It depends on what type of kidney injury. Some people recover on their own and some don't. There is no real intervention depending on the type of kidney injury. We usually encourage READ MORE
It depends on what type of kidney injury. Some people recover on their own and some don't. There is no real intervention depending on the type of kidney injury. We usually encourage patients to encourage oral hydration with fluids, avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and other medications that have the potential to hurt the kidney.

Should I stay off work with a kidney infection?

No, you don't have to stay off work as it's not contagious unless you are feeling sick from it.

Do I have a UTI?

Yes UTI can present this way. So you need to see your doctor and drop off a urine sample to ensure you don't have an infection.

I have blood in my urine?

Blood in the urine can come from anywhere in the urinary system including the kidney, ureters, or bladder. Blood in the urine caused by a urinary infection should clear after the READ MORE
Blood in the urine can come from anywhere in the urinary system including the kidney, ureters, or bladder. Blood in the urine caused by a urinary infection should clear after the infection clears. If you are still having blood in the urine, I will recommend you see a urologist evaluate your bladder by doing a cystoscopy to ensure you do not have any growth in your bladder.

What is the most common antibiotic for kidney infection?

Most antibiotics used with efficacy are Macrobid, Ciprofloxacin, Bactrim, Levaquin, Amoxicillin amongst others these antibiotics have good penetrance to the bladder.

How long does it take for antibiotics to work on kidney infection?

You should see an improvement by the 2nd to 3rd day. Uncomplicated antibiotics can be treated with only 3 days of antibiotics. Complicated UTIs that causes fever, chills blood READ MORE
You should see an improvement by the 2nd to 3rd day. Uncomplicated antibiotics can be treated with only 3 days of antibiotics. Complicated UTIs that causes fever, chills blood in the urine and other symptoms are treated longer, up to 7 days.

Can a kidney infection go away on its own?

Typically, a urinary tract infection needs to be treated with an antibiotic. In some occasional instances, if symptoms are very mild and the infection is in the bladder and not READ MORE
Typically, a urinary tract infection needs to be treated with an antibiotic. In some occasional instances, if symptoms are very mild and the infection is in the bladder and not the kidney, and there are no other factors promoting infection, some can hydrate aggressively and what they think might be symptoms of urinary tract infection will go away. But infection in the kidney itself always needs to be treated with an antibiotic.