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Dr. Barbara Watanabe, MD


Dr. Barbara Watanabe is an anesthesiologist practicing in Federal Way, WA. Dr. Watanabe ensures the safety of patients who are about to undergo surgery. Anestesiologists specialize in general anesthesia, which will (put the patient to sleep), sedation, which will calm the patient or make him or her unaware of the situation, and regional anesthesia, which just numbs a specific part of the body. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Watanabe also might help manage pain after an operation.
39 years Experience
Dr. Barbara Watanabe, MD
  • Federal Way, WA
  • University of Washington School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Does a D&C hurt with local anesthesia?

Not necessarily. The surgeon will put local anesthetic in. If you have it done in the office, it pinches like when the dentist numbs a tooth. If in the operating room then you READ MORE
Not necessarily. The surgeon will put local anesthetic in. If you have it done in the office, it pinches like when the dentist numbs a tooth. If in the operating room then you will be sedated and won’t remember the local anesthetic going in.

Barbara Watanabe MD

Can shoulder surgery be done without general anesthesia?

It is possible to have a regional block with sedation for shoulder surgery and then have sedation to take a nap for the procedure. Sedation is a lighter plane of anesthesia than READ MORE
It is possible to have a regional block with sedation for shoulder surgery and then have sedation to take a nap for the procedure. Sedation is a lighter plane of anesthesia than a general. There are some reasons why one can’t have a block, however. If one is taking anticoagulants or has moderately severe lung disease are a couple of reasons. Also sometimes it is not successful getting one numb enough to do the surgery comfortably. Not all anesthesia providers have the same level of expertise with the regional block.

Does normal delivery have anesthesia?

Anesthesia for labor is an option depending on how long your labor lasts and how much pain one can tolerate. Many women deliver naturally without anesthesia. Barbara Watanabe READ MORE
Anesthesia for labor is an option depending on how long your labor lasts and how much pain one can tolerate. Many women deliver naturally without anesthesia.

Barbara Watanabe MD

How long does it take to detox from anesthesia?

Very difficult to answer specifically. It depends on what medications you received, your overall metabolism for medications ie. is your liver and kidney function normal? In general READ MORE
Very difficult to answer specifically. It depends on what medications you received, your overall metabolism for medications ie. is your liver and kidney function normal? In general relatively healthy patients will metabolize the medicines quickly and “detox” by normal elimination in a day or so. The extreme elderly or patients with kidney and/or liver disease may take a little longer. Depending on the surgery, recovery from the stress manifesting as getting easily fatigued, the feeling of not feeling being 100% can linger. This is not due to the lingering effects from anesthesia. Most often the hangover feeling is dependent on the amount of opioids for pain one is taking.

Barb Watanabe

What type of anesthesia is used for hospice patients?

Generally speaking a patient on hospice would receive the same type of anesthetic appropriate for the type of surgery taking into consideration the factors pertaining to the patient’s READ MORE
Generally speaking a patient on hospice would receive the same type of anesthetic appropriate for the type of surgery taking into consideration the factors pertaining to the patient’s general health status.

Barbara Watanabe

Can spinal anesthesia give you a headache?

Yes it can. The type of headache is one that usually feels better lying down and comes back or gets worse upon sitting or standing. The higher risk categories are younger folks. READ MORE
Yes it can. The type of headache is one that usually feels better lying down and comes back or gets worse upon sitting or standing. The higher risk categories are younger folks. I would contact your anesthesiologist or have your surgeon speak with them if this description fits your type of headache. Depending on how long it has been they may be able to help you. In the meantime if you have this type of positional headache drinking plenty of fluids especially caffeinated beverages can help.

Barbara Watanabe MD

Where is regional anesthesia injected?

It really depends on what place you are having surgery. Lower extremity surgery can be done with a spinal or epidural injection in your back for example. Shoulder, arm, or hand READ MORE
It really depends on what place you are having surgery. Lower extremity surgery can be done with a spinal or epidural injection in your back for example. Shoulder, arm, or hand are injected in different locations.

Barbara Watanabe, MD

How long can anesthesia side effects last?

It depends on the type of anesthetic but generally speaking in your age group and your health is good, the anesthetic wears off within a short period of time ie. 1-2 hours. You READ MORE
It depends on the type of anesthetic but generally speaking in your age group and your health is good, the anesthetic wears off within a short period of time ie. 1-2 hours. You may feel fatigued longer but surgery is stressful and that takes it out of you. Also, pain medicines make one sleepy. The entire stress of the procedure and worry and recovery is fatiguing. Recovery from that can take months. Women that go through pregnancy have prolonged effects without anesthesia. An example is accelerated hair loss 2-3 months post partum. The actual effects of the anesthetic medications is short-lived.

Barbara Watanabe MD

Does anxiety affect anesthesia?

If you are prone to be anxious it can affect your peri-operative experience. Many patients are a bit more difficult to gain IV access if they are nervous. You may be given doses READ MORE
If you are prone to be anxious it can affect your peri-operative experience. Many patients are a bit more difficult to gain IV access if they are nervous. You may be given doses of ant-anxiety medications that stay in your system longer than other anesthetic medicines. Having said that, the majority of surgical patients have anxiety and it is rare for it to cause significant issues.

Barbara Watanabe MD

Does anesthesia change your personality?

Generally speaking no. In the elderly population it can unmask dementia. However, surgery is a stressful event. The stress or pain can manifest and heighten fatigue or even depression. READ MORE
Generally speaking no. In the elderly population it can unmask dementia. However, surgery is a stressful event. The stress or pain can manifest and heighten fatigue or even depression. There have been cases where people speak a different language or forget they are remarried etc., but those behaviors are rare and short-lived.

Is general anesthesia safe for dental work?

If your son is healthy general anesthesia is very safe. The other factor is who is providing the anesthesia. It should be provided by a separate person other than the dentist.

What should I eat after anesthesia?

It really depends on what type of surgery you have. Follow the instructions given to you by you doctor. If you take pain pills taking them with a little food like crackers, rice READ MORE
It really depends on what type of surgery you have. Follow the instructions given to you by you doctor. If you take pain pills taking them with a little food like crackers, rice or bread is a good idea

Are you unconscious during oral surgery?

It really depends on the oral surgeon and the procedure. For extensive repairs most oral surgeons use deep sedation where you are unaware of what is happening during the procedure. READ MORE
It really depends on the oral surgeon and the procedure. For extensive repairs most oral surgeons use deep sedation where you are unaware of what is happening during the procedure. Some oral surgeons use anesthesia providers to employ general anesthesia in which case you are totally unconscious

What happens if you stop breathing during anesthesia?

Anesthesiologists are trained to be able to support your breathing during a procedure. If you stop breathing we are trained to diagnose why and treat appropriately.

What are the disadvantages of dental anesthesia?

Every procedure has risks vs. benefits, adding anesthesia is no different. If a person is otherwise healthy having sedation and/or a general anesthetic has minimal risks especially READ MORE
Every procedure has risks vs. benefits, adding anesthesia is no different. If a person is otherwise healthy having sedation and/or a general anesthetic has minimal risks especially with a competent provider. The advantage is that it makes the procedure seem shorter and much more pleasant. If you are having deep sedation or a full general anesthetic safety is added by having a dedicated provider for that portion vs the proceduralist doing both.

What type of anesthesia is used for back disc surgery?

The most common operation for disc surgery is a general anesthetic as you are face down in the operating room table. There are some back procedures that don’t need any anesthesia READ MORE
The most common operation for disc surgery is a general anesthetic as you are face down in the operating room table. There are some back procedures that don’t need any anesthesia or minimal sedation but actual disc surgery most often needs general anesthesia

At what age is too old for general anesthesia?

This may not be the most satisfying answer but it really depends. There is no set age limit. General anesthesia can be safe at any age depending on health issues. A young person READ MORE
This may not be the most satisfying answer but it really depends. There is no set age limit. General anesthesia can be safe at any age depending on health issues. A young person with significant medical issues can be at much higher risk than an elderly person who is active and in generally good health. The one issue that is higher risk in an older person (and 65 would not necessarily be considered “elderly”) is for post-op cognitive dysfunction. It may take one longer to clear their sensorium the older one is. Mostly a problem in more advanced age than 65.

What type of anesthesia is used for colon and rectal surgery?

Generally colon surgery is done under general anesthesia especially if it’s robotic or laparoscopic. Some rectal surgeries can be done with regional anesthesia and sedation or READ MORE
Generally colon surgery is done under general anesthesia especially if it’s robotic or laparoscopic. Some rectal surgeries can be done with regional anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia. The latter depends on type of procedure and surgeon and/or patient preferences.

What type of anesthesia is used for hiatal hernia surgery?

General anesthesia because the approach is from the abdomen