Guide To Common Dental Emergencies That May Need Immediate Attention

Dr. Steven Volk Dentist Port Washington, NY

Dr. Steven Volk is a dentist practicing in Port Washington, NY. Dr. Volk specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures,... more

A dental emergency requires immediate attention and examination by a dentist. Unfortunately, a severe dental emergency usually occurs on the weekend or after a dentist's office is closed. Not all dental problems are considered an emergency, but there are several common ones that do require immediate attention. Some common dental emergencies should not be ignored, as they can be life-threatening without treatment.

A severe toothache can be the result of a number of dental issues and is considered an emergency that should receive immediate care. Critical problems that require immediate pain relief is considered a dental emergency and should not be postponed. Some common dental problems can be exacerbated if not promptly treated. Any dental issue that causes severe pain or is accompanied by bleeding is considered an emergency.

Emergencies Requiring Urgent Care

Emergencies are conditions that require immediate attention from a dentist. These conditions cause severe pain and discomfort. If an infection is present, the condition may be life-threatening and must receive immediate care.

Lost Filling

When a filling is lost, the cavity underneath is exposed. This causes a great deal of pain because food gets down into the cavity creating more pain. Seeing a dentist quickly is necessary to prevent bigger problems.

Chipped or Broken Tooth

Breaking or chipping a tooth is one of the most common dental emergencies. Not only is it painful, but it can cause swelling and bleeding. If the tooth is fully dislodged, it is important to save it. A dentist should be seen within two hours following the trauma. It is important to save the chipped or dislodged tooth. Rinse the mouth and the displaced tooth thoroughly. Place a cold compress on the jaw and save the tooth by wrapping it in gauze immediately. Keep the tooth in a container of milk or saltwater. This emergency requires immediate attention.

Abscessed or Infected Tooth

Abscessed or infected teeth can cause a great deal of discomfort and are dangerous. Infections are a sign of poor hygiene or lack of personal care. An infection can spread quickly throughout the body causing other problems. Abscesses or oral infections are an emergency and should be taken care of immediately.

Severe Toothache

Bacterial infections left untreated are the reason for many toothaches. This infection can lead to much more serious problems. When a toothache comes on suddenly, it can cause a great deal of discomfort that requires relief from the pain. It is best not to self-medicate with over-the-counter medications that are to be applied to the gums. Dentists warn that using these medications can cause damage to the teeth and gums. Anyone suffering from a toothache needs immediate attention from a dentist.

Objects Stuck in a Tooth

Getting food or some other object stuck in a tooth can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Trying to dislodge it at home may cause damage to the tooth or gums. Never use a pin or other sharp object in the mouth. A dentist will carefully remove the object with an instrument that will not scratch the teeth or cut the gums.

Mouth and Teeth Trauma

When a dentist's office is not open at the time an injury occurs, it may be necessary to go to the emergency room at the local hospital for immediate attention. Any injury to the mouth that involves bleeding and pain is considered to be an emergency and should not be ignored. Doing so may lead to more serious or permanent damage. A dentist should be consulted immediately following a traumatic oral injury. Sports injuries are common emergencies involving the mouth and teeth. These injuries require an immediate dental evaluation and possible intervention.

How to Prevent Some Emergencies

Those who participate in sports risk injury every day. Wearing protective equipment while engaged in sports can help reduce injuries to the mouth and teeth. There are simple ways to avoid emergencies by taking some precautions. Avoid chewing hard objects such as ice or hard candy. These can break or chip a tooth causing a painful injury or loss of the tooth. Many people use their teeth like scissors or a knife to open packages or boxes. This action can crack or chip a tooth causing pain and discomfort.