I Beat A Late Stage Cancer, So Can You!
Dr. Mark Roby is a top Naturopathic Physician in Novi, MI. Dr. Mark Roby is an expert in the field of cancer and integrative medicine. He also is a leader in guiding patients towards precision/personalized testing and treatments for their specific malignancies. Mark is a cancer patient himself and knows what it's like to... more
In late March of 2003, I was lying in a large, cavernous chemo room in Michigan. As 10 million units of interferon coursed into me, I could feel myself going into the abyss. Even though I was in this dream state, I can remember my oncologist whispering in my ear, ”Mark. why are you going all around the country looking for answers? There aren’t any. This interferon isn’t going to work, neither is Avastin, thalidomide, or even a clinical trial drug. Why can't you accept the inevitable? You’ll be gone in the next three to four months.”
I couldn’t believe what he was saying to me. I was in shock and disbelief. I thought his job was to save my life! I said to myself. “What are all these doctors telling their patients?” The physician who was assigned to help save my life seemed ready to give up. I became madder than hell. Over time, I turned that anger into action. (Later, I met a number of his patients who told me similar stories) I never want to forget that moment. Why? Because it was a turning point for me. I never want any other patient to hear what I heard or feel what I felt like when that clinician gave me a death sentence. I know what it’s like to be in your shoes, given a grim prognosis and no hope.
Patients and their families need to understand that there is a new paradigm in medicine called Personalized/Precision Medicine on the block. This is based upon a number of things including the genetic makeup of your tumor and biopsy. Additionally, circulating tumor cells in your own bloodstream can be drawn and studied to assess their makeup, and help guide a treatment plan. Moreover, anti-cancer nutrition, along with anti-inflammatory supplements may be added to address the “Hallmarks of Cancer“ which is a seminal scientific paper outlining how malignancies start and spread.
When I was hit with stage 4 sarcoma, there was no handbook or road map on how to survive it. I have used almost two decades of research and personal insight to keep myself alive. The media loves to herald successful cancer patients as heroes. I am no hero, but I know what it takes to survive. I give my fellow patients, my friends, and God all of the credit. They are my heroes and teachers. Without them, I would not be alive.