Treating Ulcerative Colitis
Dr. Howard is a second-generation acupuncturist and has been helping families with Traditional Chinese Medicine since 2004. His holistic – body, mind, and spirit – approach helps patients have a feeling of family and comfort every time they visit. Dr. Howard and our office have worked strictly with a referral system, so... more
The underlying cause of ulcerative colitis is chemical toxins. Many modern people eat instant food and fast food as a substitute for meals. Meat is also raised by chemical antibiotic feed. When these foods enter the body, impure waste and chemical toxins accumulate. In addition, modern chemists add chemical toxins. As a result, the blood is contaminated with turbid blood and toxin blood, and the human tissue becomes necrotic. Ulcerative colitis occurs due to these causes.
Common symptoms of ulcerative colitis include diarrhea, bloody stools, constipation, urgency, and abdominal pain. Furthermore, symptoms such as indigestion, anemia, fatigue, helplessness, dizziness, and heart pounding have been shown. These symptoms are caused by long-term erroneous eating habits that prevent the damaged intestinal cells from recovering themselves.
In this process, swelling of the intestines and increased blood flow cause pain. Abdominal pain also occurs because the bowel has been swollen and the food it has eaten does not pass. So we see that our bodies are hurting themselves to resolve stagnant blood, and we see the blood. This is analogous to the sudden exercise of the rat, but when the rat is injured and out, it is like rat is released if it blooms. Therefore, even if you look at the stool, you do not have to worry.
To treat ulcerative colitis, there are a few things to keep in mind. We must know that many changes in our bodies do not kill us. Therefore, if abdominal pain is severe, you should refrain from eating. If you eat the wrong food at this time, the intestinal wounds become more intense and can cause a long tear.
When abdominal pain stops with fasting, adjust the amount of the meal and slowly recover it. Abdominal pain stops with fasting.