What are Period Delay Pills, and are They Safe?

Alex Miller Physical Therapist New York, New York

Dr. Alex Miller is a top physical therapist in New York, NY. With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Alex Miller is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Alex Miller is a prime example of... more

Even if you have decades worth of experience in dealing with your period, there is still a subtle surprise whenever you get it. It would be pretty ideal if we all had a button which would let us start or stop our cycle, but, in the real world, we have to deal with our period whenever it decides to visit us. 

However, what if we told you that you could actually schedule your period whenever it clashes with important events in your life? That or if you simply do not want to deal with it when it is due. Yes! You can do that with the help of period delay pills from Click Pharmacy

What are Period Delay Tablets?

So, what are period delay tablets? Well, as the name suggests, these are tablets frequently used to delay the menstrual cycle. Although you can find these tablets under various names, most contain the same synthetic hormone, commonly referred to as Norethisterone. 

In essence, the effects of progesterone – which are created naturally by the body, are replicated by Norethisterone. The levels of progesterone experience a significant decrease when one experiences a regular menstrual cycle. This, in return, triggers the shedding of the lining of the uterus at a rapid pace which further results in blood leaving the body. The primary function of Norethisterone is to help the human body maintain the normal levels of progesterone in the system, which leads to the temporary postponement of the aforementioned shedding. This delay means you will not get your period. 

What Tablets Help Delay Your Period?

There are a ton of tablets you can use to delay your period; the most effective ones are: 

  • Norethisterone
  • Combined contraceptive pill 

Is It Safe To Delay My Period Using Norethisterone?

As briefly mentioned in the functioning of Norethisterone before, it is valid to question whether or not the usage of the tablet is considered safe for the reproductive system.

Yes, it is completely safe to do so. Keep in mind that Norethisterone has been dubbed extremely safe for most women – however, only if they take it on a short-term basis. It is not suitable for everyone, so it is best to consult your primary doctor beforehand. 

Experts have suggested avoiding such tablets, particularly for women who are susceptible to blood clots or who have high blood pressure or diabetes

With that being said, Norethisterone can be used to delay your period for more than 15 days. There are specific instructions; otherwise, it will not work. So, you should take the tablet three days before your period is due. And, you should take it for a maximum of 20 days. You do not have to worry about an irregular cycle since your cycle will resume around 2 to 3 days after you stop taking Norethisterone. 

Is It Safe To Delay My Period Using The Combined Contraceptive Pill?

When you are taking the combined contraceptive pill, it is vital to be aware that there is a seven-day break commonly known as the “pill-free interval”. Now, during the span of these seven days, you will experience what is referred to as a “breakthrough bleed”. However, it is quite possible to delay this breakthrough bleed safely by taking two packets back to back. Simply put, you can skip the pill-free interval in order to avoid the breakthrough bleed. This practice is entirely safe and is often recommended by doctors. However, it only works for 21-day monophasic pills. 

On the other hand, if you are taking ED (Every Day) pills, you may think that the same principle does not apply. That is not true at all. You can do the exact thing safely. You should proceed by taking the first 21 tablets, which are active pills, as you usually would. Then, make sure to skip the last 7 pills of the pack as they are placebos. Start the active pills of the next pack instead. 

Furthermore, if you are using a phasic pill, it is in your best interests to contact your doctor or pharmacist before attempting to delay your period. This is due to the fact that each pill contains different quantities of hormones, so consuming two packs back to back may not be the best option. 

What Are The Side Effects of Period Delay Tablets?

Similar to several other hormonal medications, period delay tablets can be the direct cause of a few mild side effects, which are manageable in most cases. The side effects may include:

  • A pensive or depressive mood
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Hormonal acne or breakouts
  • Tenderness or increased sensitivity in breasts
  • High fluid retention
  • Low sex drive
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Headaches or migraines.