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Dr. Douglas M. Iddings

Surgical Oncologist

Dr. Douglas Iddings is a surgical oncologist practicing in Flint, Michigan. Dr. Iddings specializes in diagnosing, staging and treating cancer-related symptoms. Surgical oncologists also decide if the patient is a candidate for surgery or other cancer treatments based on certain factors such as age, physical fitness and other possible coexisting medical conditions
Dr. Douglas M. Iddings
  • Flint, Michigan
  • Michigan State University
  • Accepting new patients

Do you get pain meds after a colonoscopy?

You should not have much pain after colonoscopy.

How long does gallbladder cancer surgery take?

A radical cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder, surrounding liver segments 4&5 and lymph nodes) will take between 3 and 4 hours.

What helps pain after rectal surgery?

There are many types of rectal surgery. Hemorrhoid surgery is the worst and most painful but he will survive. Nothing worse than good. Local injections and lidocaine cream is a READ MORE
There are many types of rectal surgery. Hemorrhoid surgery is the worst and most painful but he will survive. Nothing worse than good. Local injections and lidocaine cream is a temporary fix. Should get better over the next four weeks. On the other hand, rectal cancer surgery can be difficult to recover but not quite as painful. Patients typically take Norco 1 to 2 pills a day and don’t exceed more than 4000 mg of Tylenol per day because there’s 325 mg of Tylenol in each Norco. There’s some other types of surgeries people confused with rectal surgery such as anal surgery  and that whole area is very tender and painful. For sure.

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What can you not do after prostate surgery?

After a month or two you hope to make a full recovery. Surgery can be minimally invasive or through a large incision. It’s very common to have a robotic prostate surgery. There READ MORE
After a month or two you hope to make a full recovery. Surgery can be minimally invasive or through a large incision. It’s very common to have a robotic prostate surgery. There are many different kinds of prostate surgery but to remove the entire prostate using a robot he would hope to have a full recovery. There can be impotence/erectile dysfunction after the surgery.

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How long does colon surgery take with general anesthesia?

Colon cancer surgery takes around an hour and a half to three hours.

How painful is a colon resection?

It depends on if it is a minimally invasive surgery or if it is an open type of surgery. Essentially a minimally invasive surgery is laparoscopically performed with an incision READ MORE
It depends on if it is a minimally invasive surgery or if it is an open type of surgery. Essentially a minimally invasive surgery is laparoscopically performed with an incision 6 cm or smaller to extract the portion of the colon. Anything longer than 6 cm is considered an open surgery. There are some variations on things but those are the two basic categories. It also depends on if this is a planned surgery or if it is emergent. It sounds like you’re having a planned surgery. People are in the hospital for 2 to 6 days depending on how they are recovering. People typically require narcotics for pain control so without pain medication colon surgery is very very painful. With pain medication than it is manageable.

What type of surgery is done for bone cancer?

It depends on the details but resection of the bone with or without reconstruction is common.

How long does a liver resection surgery take?

It can take basically from 2 to 4 hours but there are many factors that could affect the time it takes.

How long does a subtotal colectomy surgery take?

Minimally invasive (robotic or laparoscopic) will take 2 to 4 hours. Open will take less. If it takes longer then I would be concerned.

When can I go back to work after polyp removal?

Typically you could go back to work after a day or two for a simple polyp removal. If it is a read surgery such as a “trans anal resection” done by a surgeon (not a GI doctor), READ MORE
Typically you could go back to work after a day or two for a simple polyp removal. If it is a read surgery such as a “trans anal resection” done by a surgeon (not a GI doctor), then it could be a bit longer ,but it should be quick and returning to work should be very fast. 

Can the kidney tumor location complicate surgery?

I think I’ve already responded to this question. Basically, the tumor needs to be removed. It is a little bit more difficult on the backside, but not much. A good surgeon will READ MORE
I think I’ve already responded to this question. Basically, the tumor needs to be removed. It is a little bit more difficult on the backside, but not much. A good surgeon will be able to handle this for you without a problem. Some tumors are so large, it requires removing the entire kidney, and if that’s needed and that will be needed, but if they feel if the tumor is small, the tumor can certainly be removed through many different ways and the fact that it’s on the back makes it a little bit more difficult robotically, but could be approached many different ways. It’s good that the first surgeon told you to go to another surgeon. You have to have a competent surgeon who can do pretty much anything and I think it’s good that you got referred to a different surgeon.

Can polyps be removed during colonoscopy?

Yes, most sporadic medium and small polyps can be removed during colonoscopy. If a person has hundreds of polyps, then that could be a sign of an underlying disease process and READ MORE
Yes, most sporadic medium and small polyps can be removed during colonoscopy. If a person has hundreds of polyps, then that could be a sign of an underlying disease process and you may have to see a surgeon. Other polyps can be very, very large and those cannot be removed by colonoscopy. Other polyps can be malignant and may need surgery.

How long is a hospital stay after bone cancer surgery?

I would say anywhere from 1 to 3 days. It could be longer depending. There are many bones and there are many different types of cancer. There are many types of different treatments READ MORE
I would say anywhere from 1 to 3 days. It could be longer depending. There are many bones and there are many different types of cancer. There are many types of different treatments and reconstruction options potentially. It’s very hard to say, but it certainly should not be several weeks in the hospital at all. You could imagine that a resection of a spine vertebrae would be much different than resection of a portion of the finger. It’s very hard question to answer. You really should have an oncology liaison that should be working with you and you should be able to have some contact person who could guide you through this process.

Do breast cysts go away on their own?

Once you find a large breast cyst on exam, then they typically will not go away on their own. You could have several small cysts that come and go, so yes, I think they can go away READ MORE
Once you find a large breast cyst on exam, then they typically will not go away on their own. You could have several small cysts that come and go, so yes, I think they can go away in general or if you had some imaging that said you had a small cyst that next year it might not be there. In general, once you find one on your own, it must be pretty large and superficial and the majority of the time those won’t necessarily go away fast enough and people want those drained or removed.

How long is colon cancer surgery recovery?

Colon cancer surgery can be traditionally opened or more often is a minimally invasive laparoscopic. Essentially, the recovery time is 1 to 3 months. You will be up and walking READ MORE
Colon cancer surgery can be traditionally opened or more often is a minimally invasive laparoscopic. Essentially, the recovery time is 1 to 3 months. You will be up and walking around the day after surgery and he will be able to sit in a chair and eat a meal after a few days. Bowel function should return within 3 to 5 days and you should be off of your pain medications in a couple of weeks. He will be up and around daily, but full recovery is different for everyone. If you are a roofer and you do concrete work as well, then recovery can be longer such as 2 to 3 months, while if you do a desk job, you could be back to work in two weeks.

How long does it take for swelling to go away after abdominal surgery?

In general, it takes about 2 to 3 months for swelling to go down from abdominal surgery along the incision. There can be generalized abdominal bloating, which could go down much READ MORE
In general, it takes about 2 to 3 months for swelling to go down from abdominal surgery along the incision. There can be generalized abdominal bloating, which could go down much quicker, and there are many types of abdominal surgeries such as a hernia repair would be much different than eight organ transplant. Those are both potential abdominal surgeries. One could recover quickly enough to go back to work within one month. There’s even minimally and basic laparoscopic surgery or robotic surgery where the incisions are quite small and patience can return to work quickly and the swelling is minimal.