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Taoruru Tebana

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

Dr. Taoruru Tebana is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Fiji Islands, . Dr. Tebana specializes in women's health, particularly the female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. Tebana can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Dr Tebana can also treat women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and the postpartum period. In this specialty, doctors focus on reproductive care from puberty through adulthood.
Taoruru Tebana
  • Accepting new patients

Could I be pregnant

When was your period?

Vaginal Bleeding from antibiotics

It is the effect of all antibiotics. It will surely cease on its on.

Birth control/menstrual cycle?

You can continue your current pack. Don't start a new pack. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Pregnancy concern?

Hi.The brown discharge can be an indication of bleeding. But you need to watch the bleeding. If you bleeding it may be another miscarriage. What you need to do is keeping away READ MORE
Hi.The brown discharge can be an indication of bleeding. But you need to watch the bleeding. If you bleeding it may be another miscarriage. What you need to do is keeping away from carrying heavy load, do not stand too long, and don't hang clothes during washing.These are precautions to keep away from bleeding. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

How early may one take a pregnancy test?

You can have a blood test straight after having sex.Or wait till 5 to 6 weeks after yr last period. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Is my tampon stuck?

If you could not find it then it is not in your vagina. Yes you could have forgotten to insert the tampon. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Can she get pregnant?

If the sperms enter the vagina and it is during her unsafe period she may get pregnant. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Birth control?

Yes it may delay yr period if you use it at this time. You are  not covered from pregnancy when you start now Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

What fruits should pregnant avoid?

All fruits are  good but if you gastritis then refrain from citrus fruits because they are acidic. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Birth control pills?

Rightly you have to start your pill on the day of your period then you are safe at any time. If you took the pill at any part of your cycle then 7 days are not safe. So I would READ MORE
Rightly you have to start your pill on the day of your period then you are safe at any time. If you took the pill at any part of your cycle then 7 days are not safe. So I would say it is Thursday.

Chest x-ray?

It is safe if it is only a  chest x-ray.

Am I pregnant?

When was your last period? It seems that you are ovulating.

Is this safe during pregnancy?

No, you should not be worried.

Should I take Plan B?

If you are sure you are to have your period now then don't worry you will not get pregnant.

Sticky situation?

Whatever the Doc said take it from there.

Abnormal bleeding and spotting?

No, you cant be pregnant with a good period for 5 days.

Herpes 1 and 2?

It can happen to have positive 1 and 2 herpes. Herpes infection can long in a favorable environment.

What causes clots?

You will know if it is a miscarriage if you test your urine for pregnancy.

Am I pregnant?

You need to take another pregnancy test one week later. If it is positive, then you are pregnant. Right now with the faint line on the pregnancy tester, I think it is positive, READ MORE
You need to take another pregnancy test one week later. If it is positive, then you are pregnant. Right now with the faint line on the pregnancy tester, I think it is positive, but to be sure, test another one.

Menstrual cycle?

Your period will be disturbed a bit. It may be delayed according to the pill you're taking.