OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Birth control/menstrual cycle?

I just restarted taking birth control about a month and a week ago and I started my new pack. Last week I had just finished my period on Wednesday and then today it seems like I have another. I have not been sexually active so I am wondering if I just continue to retake my birth control as normal or do I have to start a new pack?

Female | 25 years old

4 Answers

You should continue with your current pack of pills.
You can continue your current pack. Don't start a new pack. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Continue to take the pills of no concern for pregnancy. It sometimes takes a few cycles
Continue with the pack, and if you have other breakthrough bleeding. Talk to your gynecologist as you may need an ultrasound looking for polyps and/or a pelvic exam . If all is clear, another OCP may be better for you.