Dr. Mark Nolting
Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Mark Nolting is a naturopathic physician practicing in Edmonds, Washington. Dr. Nolting specializes in proactive prevention and treatment. Dr. Nolting combines holistic healing methods with traditional solutions to medical illness. Providing both individual and family care, the most common ailments treated are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, obesity, heart disease, fertility, menopause, cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. Naturopathic Physicians place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to the broad spectrum of remedies available.
Dr. Mark H. Nolting
- Edmonds, Washington
- Bastyr University
- Accepting new patients
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Is it safe for diabetics to get acupuncture?
Yes, it is safe to receive acupuncture as long as you seek out State Licensed board certified providers. Always ask the provider what their experience working with diabetes is. READ MORE
Yes, it is safe to receive acupuncture as long as you seek out State Licensed board certified providers. Always ask the provider what their experience working with diabetes is.
How can I lower my intraocular pressure naturally?
Please work with an eye specialist and ask them what additional options they recommend.
What medication is best for depression?
Consult a licensed medical provider who can present you with standard of care options. There are options in natural medicine but see a licensed qualified provider to explore safe READ MORE
Consult a licensed medical provider who can present you with standard of care options. There are options in natural medicine but see a licensed qualified provider to explore safe and effective options.
How do you self treat anxiety?
Acupuncture might be a good option for you but find a qualified licensed provider who has experience treating mild to moderate anxiety.
Hands and legs always cold?
Cold hands and legs is a relatively common complaint, more typical among females. If you are experiencing extreme cold in your extremities this is a medical problem you should READ MORE
Cold hands and legs is a relatively common complaint, more typical among females. If you are experiencing extreme cold in your extremities this is a medical problem you should discuss at an office or virtual visit with a doctor. Raynauds is caused by lack of circulation to the fingers and toes and can result in numbness and tingling sensations in those areas. There are thyroid problems that can be a source of cold limbs so keep that in mind if this continues to concern you. Mild feelings of cold into the hands and feet is probably nothing to be concerned about but see how it is affected by excercise and activity. Many of us need to increase our activity which helps the circulation. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, organic when available along with good fresh sources of protein. Go easy on the sugar, red meat , and fired foods.
Can acupuncture help pass kidney stones?
There are cases where acupuncture can help patients pass kidney stones and help with pain management. But passing stones can be complicated so it is important to have medical oversight READ MORE
There are cases where acupuncture can help patients pass kidney stones and help with pain management. But passing stones can be complicated so it is important to have medical oversight and proper diagnosis.
Can you get acupuncture during pregnancy?
Yes indeed but always seek out a professional licensed acupuncturist with specific training and experience in pregnancy.
What is the best natural herb for anxiety?
There are several commonly used herbs that may have supportive use when used properly for mild anxiety issues. What is best and what is good for your unique need is up to good READ MORE
There are several commonly used herbs that may have supportive use when used properly for mild anxiety issues. What is best and what is good for your unique need is up to good professional advice. Common herbs include Valerian, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Lavender, Chamomile. Another helpful tool for anxiety is acupuncture, we find ear acupuncture to be quite simple and efffective for mild to moderate anxiety.
Can acupuncture help with knee problems?
Acupuncture has shown to be effective in some cases of knee joint pain. Seek out a licensed acupuncturist in most states and see them for a consult to see what they can offer. READ MORE
Acupuncture has shown to be effective in some cases of knee joint pain. Seek out a licensed acupuncturist in most states and see them for a consult to see what they can offer.
Can you get diseases from blood transfusions?
The short answer is yes, we can receive blood borne pathogens, which are substances that travel in the blood, transmitted thru all methods of blood contact. Not only thru transfusions READ MORE
The short answer is yes, we can receive blood borne pathogens, which are substances that travel in the blood, transmitted thru all methods of blood contact. Not only thru transfusions but thru shared needle use, certain high risk sexual contact, lack of universal precautions in healthcare settings and the like. The good news is when you need a transfusion or you are donating blood to help others there are universal precautions in place that will be fully explained to you so you need not worry if the blood you receive or donate is safe.
What is a natural way to manage anxiety?
Great question, mild to moderate anxiety may respond to a few sessions of acupuncture. There are effective treatments that most licensed acupuncturists can perform. Acupuncture READ MORE
Great question, mild to moderate anxiety may respond to a few sessions of acupuncture. There are effective treatments that most licensed acupuncturists can perform. Acupuncture is safe, relaxing, and provides a non-drug approach to anxiety. Make sure you continue to see a therapist as needed for talk and supportive mental health solutions if needed.
How many acupoints are there?
Great question. There are quite a few but generally we count 365 major named and clearly mapped out acupounts with exact locations, precise anatomy including depth as well as nearby READ MORE
Great question. There are quite a few but generally we count 365 major named and clearly mapped out acupounts with exact locations, precise anatomy including depth as well as nearby features such as nerves arteries and organs, plus functions of these points. If that wasn’t enough there are hundreds of so called extra points and special use points scattered across the body as well as micro-system points in the ears, hands, and feet. I would say there are probably another 1,000 or so points beyond those main 365. Acupuncturists in training spend a full school year typically studying and identifying most acupounts so you can rest assured they know where exactly to place that needle in a clinically safe and confident manner.
Can you recommend natural treatment for back pain?
Low back pain is so common, most of us experience some level of lower back pain occasionally or, for many, constantly. Simple lower back aching and discomfort uncomplicated with READ MORE
Low back pain is so common, most of us experience some level of lower back pain occasionally or, for many, constantly. Simple lower back aching and discomfort uncomplicated with no disc or other structural problem can usually be relieved with stretching, yoga, posture correction, massage, chiropractic adjustment, hot packs or soaking, acupuncture, or acupressure. These are a few suggestions, but usually the right stretches and correcting your posture will help.
Dr. Nolting
Dr. Nolting
For what conditions does hydrotherapy work?
Great question. Basic hydrotherapy is the use of water to affect physiological change in the body, such as warm lavender baths to promote calming; hot, therapeutic bath to promote READ MORE
Great question. Basic hydrotherapy is the use of water to affect physiological change in the body, such as warm lavender baths to promote calming; hot, therapeutic bath to promote fever management when appropriate; and cold, wet sock treatment for boosting the immune response, to name a few. Not so common these days, but nonetheless they're very effective in certain cases. Constitutional Hydrotherapy (CH) indicates the use of wet towel wraps alternating hot and cold on various body areas sometimes employed with diathermy or other devices to stimulate digestion for instance. Where basic hydrotherapy is usually for short spot treatments, CH is meant for immune support, cleansing routines, fever support, and a host of other conditions. It is difficult to find qualified doctors who know what they are doing with CH and who understand when it is medically appropriate. "Do no harm" is the guiding principle.
Is there a cure for PCOS with naturopathy?
No cure, but a well-trained and licensed Naturopathic Physician can take your history and perform an exam and develop a plan that would include natural supportive therapies to READ MORE
No cure, but a well-trained and licensed Naturopathic Physician can take your history and perform an exam and develop a plan that would include natural supportive therapies to deal with your PCOS. Also, if you need help with fertility, acupuncture may be an option.
Is there a cure in naturopathy for a cold due to allergies?
Sounds like allergic rhinitis. Have an ND help sort out the possible allergies and sensitivities. The ND can develop a safe and effective natural remedy plan for him.
Everytime I follow a naturopathy diet plan I end up with a headache. Is it normal?
Not knowing any of your history, it’s difficult to speculate, but weight loss is not simple and several issues may be causing that symptom. Always speak with a doctor to help understand READ MORE
Not knowing any of your history, it’s difficult to speculate, but weight loss is not simple and several issues may be causing that symptom. Always speak with a doctor to help understand your unique case. Could be as straight forward as getting off of coffee or caffeine too quickly. There may be vasoactive chemicals in products you are taking. Share this with the doc.
How can I lose tummy fat with natural medicine?
See a doctor trained in working with hormones. Work with that doc to find a natural solution to what may be a hormonal imbalance. Did you know high stress raises the cortisol, READ MORE
See a doctor trained in working with hormones. Work with that doc to find a natural solution to what may be a hormonal imbalance. Did you know high stress raises the cortisol, or stress hormone, levels, which can affect blood sugar and create that weight gain?
What are the ways to treat fluid retention naturally?
The most important question is what is the root cause of the fluid retention you are experiencing? Find a doctor, ND or otherwise, who can help you figure out why your body is READ MORE
The most important question is what is the root cause of the fluid retention you are experiencing? Find a doctor, ND or otherwise, who can help you figure out why your body is retaining fluid, then options for addressing the cause can be discussed.
Is there a treatment in naturopathy for a diabetic foot?
You don’t mention what type of injury you have or what type of diabetes you have. Also, are you on medication and any supplements to address your type 1 or 2 diabetes Naturopathic READ MORE
You don’t mention what type of injury you have or what type of diabetes you have. Also, are you on medication and any supplements to address your type 1 or 2 diabetes Naturopathic physicians will look for effective ways to support your diet and nutrition to address the diabetes. There are medicines and supplements that NDs will consider for diabetes.