Signature of a True Friend: Leaves footprints in your heart

Signature of a True Friend: Leaves footprints in your heart
Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality. Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding... more

I consider myself a friend to many people who I will stand by and always give my love, support, and gratitude. I choose to spend my time with those who genuinely listen to me, and those who love to have great meaningful conversations about life and the world. I spend my time with those who can dig deep beyond the surface of life. The conversations go two ways, with both of us sharing and caring for one another's likes, dislikes, and differences. I love sharing my time with people who want to try new things, with people who are courageous in uncovering their truths.

Choosing people who are honest yet kind, vulnerable yet strong, have an energy and force to reckon with, yet are peaceful in heart and mind, reliable, and steadfast. If these are the things that you value, then seek friendships with this integrity and balance.

You don't always get to choose when it comes to the people in your family or at your workplace.  It is in these areas that the importance of learning to rise above the indifferences comes. Understand that it takes all types of people to make the world. However, you do have the ability and available intention to have in your life, the people with the invaluable qualities mentioned above.  These are the people to share with, and those with whom you will spend your time and energy. You will place distance and set firm boundaries with the people who have negative attitudes and toxic behaviours, and those who have closed minds to new and positive experiences. For those who don't want to share with you their dreams and aspirations or listen to yours — stay away. Beware of people who live on the surface of life without giving it any real depth or meaning as this can pull you down, leading you to focus on the sadness and contemptuous areas of life.

Allow yourself to be fed with people who have dreams in their hearts, kindness in their souls, healthy habits, and a mindset of abundance, healthy hobbies, and habits.  

Strong and Positive Relationships: Spend time with those who have open minds to all that is good, with those who have the courage to face their challenges with the peace and happiness to understand them.

Choose friends because they help you find determination to be a better you, not because they base base friendships on age, status, looks, or what they can do. Choose friends because they are good people carving out a positive life. During your lifetime, many people will come and go. There will be a few treasured one's who leave footprints in your heart. This is the sign of a great friend.

For Further Support:  Taking Charge and Developing Positive Relationships

Renew Your Body by Renewing Your Mind

Julie Doherty N.D - Empowering You to Optimal Health

An Accredited Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society, Julie Graduated with distinctions from S.A. College of Botanic Medicine and Natural Therapies Pty Ltd.

Professional Qualifications include: Naturopathic Doctor, Herbal & Homoeopathic Practitioner: Diet and Nutritional Medicine: Remedial & Therapeutic Massage Therapy: Body Mind Balancing Cognitive Counselling, Healthy/Lifestyle coaching & Natural Beauty.